This is a very important documentary that was one of the first to grab my attention and cause me to explore the topic of vaccine development and the implications for health, plus the origins of modern viruses.
If you search for 'in lies we trust' you will find nothing on Youtube/Google - despite me having mirrored it there for over 15 years (in fact they deleted it from my channel without telling me a few years ago). Part of the reason for this is that it disrupts many of the most covert and long running military agendas on Earth.
The video is the work of Dr. Leonard Horrowitz who has been, in his own words, character assassinated and I have seen this myself online. Numerous people tried to claim he had no valid qualifications to discuss the topic - however, I spent time researching his history and found his background to be legitimate and suitably relevant.
Key claims made:
Horrowitz begins by referencing 'The report from Iron mountain, a book which Wikipedia suggests is a hoax, but which allegedly describes a detailed agenda to control the world. Similar to 'Silent weapons for quiet wars', this book may or may not be legitimate - however, the documentary contains numerous interviews and points which are not negated by any potential failing in this particular book. The book states that those driving world events consider war to be essential to controlling populations and maintaining political power. This is not in any way far fetched and is evidenced all throughout history - especially by the many false flag attacks that have even been admitted to by various governments over the years.
He highlights that alternatives to war for population control were devised in the 1960s. Constant terrorism, including bioterrorism and eugenics were allegedly proposed as solutions. Notes from Kissinger in the 1970s highlight the same kind of thinking regarding eugenics.
The WW2 German Nazi science infrastructure was inherited by America, including nuclear and bio weapons..
Genetically modified organisms were designed to slowly kill and control populations covertly - 'chemical and biological intoxication'.
Modern Doctors and healthcare professionals have been hypnotised and mind controlled to be ego driven propagandists, perpetuating limited and limiting misunderstandings of true knowledge of health.
Epidemics of cancer were caused by the inclusiong of a virus called SV40 into vaccines given to large numbers of people.
The US claimed to end it's offensive bioweapons program under Nixon, but it was a lie.
Germ warfare involved AIDS like bioweapons. Note that it is now widely accepted that the COVID 19 Virus (SARS CoV2) contains an HIV insert.
US intensification of bioweapon development occurred while the public statements claimed they were ended completely.
US labs were developing HIV / AIDS viruses 15 years before HIV was 'discovered'.
AIDS and Ebola are man made by the US Dept. of Defence and associated labs / researchers.
Identifying the cause of the diseases caused by the new bioweapons would be impossible for Doctors because the mechanism was previously completely unknown.
The US licensed the transfer of Anthrax and bioweapons to Iraq in the 1980s. Making the claims about Iraq that were used to justify war complete nonsense and hypocriticial.
Evidence shows that chemical and bioweapons were found in Iraq from UK, Jordon and the US.
The anthrax vaccines issued during the Gulf war was identified as the cause of 'gulf war syndrome' killing many people.
Many such vaccines were tested on prisoners in the US - handled by a company that at the time was overseen by George Bush Sr.
The owner of another bio company connected to this was also involved in the recount of a contested election at the time.
Immunisation and Vaccination are not the same. Immunisation involved the creation of natural immunity, whereas vaccination does not.
FDA made a drug from Bayer the only valid treatment for Anthrax, despite competing solutions that were cheaper and more effective being available. Many recipients developed brain damage. Sounds familiar to the artificial withdrawal of effective treatments for COVID19.
BMI in the US was identified as the only possible source for the Anthrax that was used in mailing attacks in the US. Connected to a complex network of vaccine manufacturers. They were identified as grossly negligent and with ties to legitimate terrorists.
The FBI heavily targeted black activist groups as part of a population control and eugenics plan.
Criminal experiments on the public, without informed consent, are authorised by secret political policies in the US. (The same exists in the UK and was evidenced by government statements after the exposure of their spraying of Cadmium sulphide over the population, causing cancers and illness).
US also inherited Japanese bioweapons research after WW2. 'Kuru' was actually a bioweapon disease that was passed off as coming from aboriginal cannibals at the time.
The greatest risk of all is outbreaks from poorly operated bioweapon labs, since that is both common and proven to occur through a variety of means.
He predicted that politicians would follow the plan of pushing dangerous vaccines in the event of an epidemic or outbreak of a virus or bioweapon.
The marburg virus first broke out in a vaccine production facility.
Dr. Maurice Hilleman admits to the creation of HIV and importation in the US aswell as cancer causing viruses being included in the polio vaccine he developed.
Early yellow fever vaccines had leukemia virus in it.
The cancer causing agents in the polio vaccines were covered up and many people were gravely harmed.
Rockefeller tied scientists lied about the origins of Ebola and claimed that it came from Bat poop very nearby to Linton Bionetics laboratories. A total repeat of the Wuhan wetmarket story.
Manmade viruses are less stable than natural viruses, leading to rapid creation of new strains.
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Wishing you well,
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