As I posted in my previous video from the recent Washington DC round table on COVID19 vaccines, ever more people are deeply aware of the extent to which truth has been heavily denied surrounding the COVID19 shots. Senator Ron Johnson chaired the meeting that lasted several hours and his introduction is clear - Many have been injured by the COVID19 shots and governments have actively tried to cover it up.
My regular readers will know that I have been closely analysing the data, science and testimonies surrounding the COVD19 situation and in particular the experimental shot rollouts, right throughout the last 2 years of COVID19. Having observed the machinations of the vaccine industry for nearly 15 years as a private researcher, I know full well how exploitative it can be and how many people are involved in it who have ZERO care for human beings - they are there only for personal power gain or worse. Gradually, ever more people are becoming aware of the same thing and some of them are speaking out, even from the higher end of political power.
For reference, you can find numerous of my previous posts on this topic linked here. You will see that I used simple data analysis as soon as data was available to expose how the COVID19 shots are very likely the most dangerous vaccine attempts ever released on the public. Despite the data being clear, somehow many people continue in a hypnotic trance, repeating the mantras they have been fed by the mainstream narrators - 'the vaccines are safe and effective', 'the vaccines are safe and effective', 'the vaccines are safe and effective', 'the vaccines are safe and effective'...
As this recent Washington conference shows, there are many, many serious hurt people who have been potentially harmed for life or even killed directly by the experimental COVID19 shots. My calculations, based on the vast level of under-reporting that the primary reporting systems such as VAERS and Eudravigilance experience, show that it is possible that when all is said and done - the vast scale of the shot rollout may mean that the shots kill more people than the disease ever could have.
It is one thing to reject the words of an internet blogger (even one with a long record of very rarely being disproven on anything important that I say publicly in blogs), but it is another to blatantly deny the testimony of victims, Doctors, experts, lawyers and politicians - who have all taken the time that most DO NOT take and actually studied the details of vaccine injury/death in the context of COVID19.
I highly advise all to listen to this video, the previous one with Arron Siri, the vaccine injury lawyer, and also the future ones I will share here with emotive testimonies from victims of harm from the COVID19 shots. This topic must not be buried and denied by handwaving and extremely dangerous people, posturing as 'experts'.
Wishing you well,
Ura Soul
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