Hello dear Hive community, today, as we had announced in a couple of spoilers presented by @Ledcerv ([link](https://hive.blog/hive-163772/@ledcerv/turisteando-en-el-oriente-de -venezuela-touring-in-the-east-of-venezuela-spoiler-alert)) and @Orinoquense ([link](https://hive.blog/hive-163772/@orinoquense/my-1st-anniversary-on -hive-spoiler-alert)), today we announce with great enthusiasm and conviction a personal project that we took on among friends and hivers who love tourism, photography and knowledge. This is the @Turimovil project, created specifically for HiveBlog but which we hope to also share on other social networks in order to promote tourism and obviously Hive.
Esta propuesta comenzó hace unos meses y estabamos trabajando en concretarla, lo mas emocionante en estas semanas fue hacer el servicio de mantenimiento mecanico al Turimovil que nos acompañará por varios destinos del oriente del país y esperamos muy pronto estar en otras partes de Venezuela. Nuestro principal proposito es divertirnos y conocer lugares no convencionales pero que están estrategicamente ubicados en nuestra geografía.
This proposal began a few months ago and we were working on making it concrete. The most exciting thing in these weeks was doing the mechanical maintenance service on the Turimovil that will accompany us to various destinations in the east of the country and we hope to be in other parts of Venezuela very soon. Our main purpose is to have fun and get to know unconventional places but that are strategically located in our geography.
Esperamos que nos acompañen en esta aventura que traemos para ustedes, igualmente aceptamos recomendaciones de espacios a visitar y que quizas su potencial turistico aun no haya sido ampliamente explorado. Por acá les dejamos un video de presentación que esperamos que disfruten.
We hope that you will join us on this adventure that we bring to you. We also accept recommendations of places to visit and that perhaps their tourist potential has not yet been widely explored. Here we leave you a presentation video that we hope you enjoy.
Somos un par de amigos Hivers, ambientalistas y animalistas del oriente Venezolano que decidimos emprender este proyecto con la finalidad de dar a conocer las bellezas poco vistas de nuestro país, iniciando desde el estado Bolívar, lugar donde residimos.
We are a couple of Hivers friends, environmentalists and animal activists from eastern Venezuela who decided to undertake this project with the purpose of publicizing the little-seen beauties of our country, starting from the state of Bolívar, where we reside.
Credits: Sound: Summer Day, TimTaj
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