StoffweXel 23 - TRITTE (prod. Ryini Beats)


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    Published on Jan 06, 2022
    About :

    Ich habe eine Weile nicht von mir hören lassen.
    Bei mir hat sich einiges bewegt in den letzten Monaten und ich werde versuchen euch nun, nach und nach,
    auf den neusten Stand zu bringen.
    Das hier war, bzw. ist, die erste Singleauskopplung aus meiner kürzlich erschienenen EP "Was von mir bleibt".

    I haven't posted here in a while. But a lot has changed for me and I will gradually bring you up to date.
    This was my first single from my recently released EP:

    Lyrics translation

    tell me who needs this love completely sold this love
    everything only plastic, you don't miss anything, I tell you this love is almost not needed
    because i don't bend further i'm not a case for love
    I'm tired of it and leave you so they'll never get me again

    prefer to be lonely
    And you don't touch me, no, I'd rather turn to stone right away
    if that's the price to be free

    I whined because I got kicked
    god took a rib from adam back then
    every rock star just behaved like that because of ti*s
    and a woman was always the reason for his bitterest song

    no i don't need you, no i don't need you
    and what you need is in truth not me either
    that's me when i get the kicks
    and that only ended in a bitter song

    I would love to believe that we all need love
    That the moments are worth it that take our breath away without asking
    but I am exhausted first you are built up
    then consumed, then accepted, and finally used up

    Tags :

    music deutsch dsound original 3speak

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