El Ego lo bajas haciendo lecciones de Musica, son unas misiones especiales que dan skill permanente, (LEE LAS FAQ) te dedicas a un solo tipo de instrumento y haces las lecciones de ese instrumento, por ejemplo si escoges guitarra solo vas a comprar guitarras y solo haras lecciones de guitarra ya que asi tu skill aumentara mucho mas, mientras mas luck de un instrumento especifo mas skill ganas por leccion.
En las FAQ sale detalladamente los instrumentos que sirven para todas las lecciones.
The Ego is lowered by doing Music lessons, they are special missions that give permanent skill, (READ THE FAQ) you dedicate yourself to a single type of instrument and do the lessons of that instrument, for example if you choose guitar you will only buy guitars and you will only do guitar lessons because this way your skill will increase much more, the more luck of a specific instrument the more skill you gain per lesson.
In the FAQ you can see in detail the instruments that are useful for all the lessons.
Esta ocasion especial, por ser mi primer video de Rising Star estare sorteando un instrumento de 50 LUCK, del instrumento que utilices!
This special occasion, for being my first Rising Star video I will be raffling an instrument of 50 LUCK, whichever instrument you use!
Unos consejos finales:
Al inicio no te vuelvas locos comprando fans, maximo compra 700, luego acumula instrumentos, los mas que puedas para que no tengas problemas de EGO en ningun momento.
Siempre ten una ventaja de skill por si te caen muchos borrachos, puedas sacarle el maximo provecho sin tener EGO!
El monto de instrumentos ideal que tienes que tener es el suficiente como para que una leccion diaria supla todo el EGO ganado ese dia, si ganas 100 de ego diario lo ideal es que tus lecciones te den minimo 100 de skill!
Si te llama la atencion Jugar Rising Stars puedes unirte AQUI
Todas las imagenes las hice con CANVA.
Hasta la proxima!!!
A few final tips:
At the beginning don't go crazy buying fans, maximum buy 700, then accumulate instruments, as many as you can so you won't have EGO problems at any time.
Always have a skill advantage in case you get too many drunks, so you can make the most of it without having EGO!
The ideal amount of instruments you should have is enough for a daily lesson to make up for all the EGO gained that day, if you gain 100 ego daily, ideally your lessons should give you at least 100 skill!
If you are interested in playing Rising Stars you can join HERE
All images were made with CANVA.
See you next time!
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