¡Qué más gente! ¿Como están? ¿Como les va? yo estoy super bien, espero que ustedes también, hace unos días navegando por la comunidad de HIVE-CON me encontré con una iniciativa que es "Series que marcaron nuestra infancia" y dije ¿Por que no hacerlo? y acá mi participación en esta iniciativa, espero lo disfruten y no olviden comentar, repostear y dejar su voto, un abrazo y nos veremos en el próximo video ❤️.
What more people! How are they? How are you doing? I'm super good, I hope you are too, a few days ago browsing the HIVE-CON community I came across an initiative that is "Series that marked our childhood" and I said, why not do it? and here is my participation in this initiative, I hope you enjoy it and don't forget to comment, repost and leave your vote, a hug and we'll see you in the next video ❤️.
Cuando estaba mas chico, jamas supe el significado de "Anime" pero al crecer ya supe que series formaban parte de ese termino, y estas con algunas de las series que recuerdo haber visto cuando estaba en mi infancia.
When I was younger, I never knew the meaning of "Anime" but when I grew up I already knew what series were part of that term, and you are with some of the series that I remember watching when I was a child.
Una de las cosas que mas vi y actualmente sigo viendo son las series que daban en esos tiempos de mi niñez, quizás me habré pasado por alto pero aun así las disfrute bastante, no había un momento que no espera la noche para volver a ver estas joyas porque algunas de esta lista las daban en la noche, pero de verdad las llevo en el corazón cada una de ellas. Las series live action que vi son las siguientes:
One of the things that I watched the most and currently continue to watch are the series that were on in those times of my childhood, perhaps I may have overlooked it but I still enjoyed it a lot, there was not a moment that I did not wait for the night to see these again jewels because some of this list were given out at night, but I really carry each of them in my heart. The live action series that I saw are the following:
WOW, sinceramente una de las cosas que mas consumí de niño fueron las series animadas, como en el anterior caso quizás me pase por alto algunas, pero sin embargo las sigo recordando como si las hubiese visto ayer, sin desmeritar lo que hacen series animadas actualmente, para mi eran las mejores de esa época de mi vida y formaron al 100% una parte de mi niñez y esas son las siguiente:
WOW, honestly one of the things that I consumed the most as a child were the animated series, as in the previous case I may have overlooked some of them, but nevertheless I still remember them as if I had seen them yesterday, without detracting from what animated series currently do , for me they were the best of that time of my life and they formed a 100% part of my childhood and those are the following:
Se perfectamente que hay mas series que tuve que ver en mi niñez pero las que mas recuerdo en solo ponerme a recordar mi infancia pues son estas, la verdad que me divertí haciendo esta iniciativa y los invito a todos que formen parte de el también, es muy lindo recordar esa época con mucha nostalgia, no me quejo de mi niñez la pase super con muchas altas y bajas pero si la pase bien y acompañado con las series que siempre recordare y que espero poder mostrarle a mis futuros hijos y actualmente a mis sobrinos que aun están pequeños para "culturizarlos" o algo asi XD, en fin espero que les haya gustado mucho este video , no olvides dejar tu voto, tu comentario y repostear este video. Sin más que decir nos vemos en el siguiente video, xoxo❤️
I know perfectly well that there are more series that I had to watch in my childhood but the ones that I remember the most when I just remember my childhood are these, the truth is that I had fun doing this initiative and I invite you all to be part of it too, it is It is very nice to remember that time with a lot of nostalgia, I am not complaining about my childhood, I had a great time with many ups and downs, but I did have a good time and accompanied by the series that I will always remember and that I hope I can show to my future children and currently to my nephews that they are still small to "culturize" them or something like that XD, anyway I hope you liked this video a lot, don't forget to leave your vote, your comment and repost this video. Without further ado, see you in the next video, xoxo❤️
BANDCAMP: https://mesmonium.bandcamp.com/ - Download various remixes
SOUNDCLOUD: https://soundcloud.com/mesmonium - Listen to original music
PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/mesmonium - Downloads, commissions and cancelled remixes
Social media "D.S. Ereki (Delia Symbols)"
And So It Begins by Artificial.Music https://soundcloud.com/artificial-music
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported— CC BY 3.0
Free Download / Stream: https://bit.ly/and-so-it-begins
Music promoted by Audio Library
"Dj Quads - It just makes me happy" is under a Creative Commons license (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfiS...
Music promoted by BreakingCopyright: https://bit.ly/makes-me-happy-song
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