What's up weedcash, Do you like to smoke HASH? I am some what on the fence about hash, I like it but only some. Now hash rosin is the bomb some of the best dabs around. Awhile ago I got a half O of hash for a dam good deal like 10 bucks. This is a dark hash but it is decent. I have always added to my joints or smoked in a bowl. Today though I have upgraded to a Happle. This is a Glass Apple to smoke hash in.
This is designed and hand made by a Canadian glass blower named Dave Ro with partnership with Nugz, Nugz is a legal cannabis company that actually has some of the best legal flower hash and rosin on the market.
With the Happle you make a nice little snake with the hash, This will allow you to put it on the nail and light it kind of like a joint. The idea is to let the hash burn away and fill the happle with smoke allowing you to toke on it.
I have found at least with the hash I got you have to keep lighting it but this was designed for dry sift hash not so much pressed hash like I got. I am going to be making a few OZ of hash this week end so I hope this works great for that.
You can see from the video how you do it, Thanks for checking it out and be sure to follow.
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