BATTLE MAGE SECRETS Weekly Challenge! "Healed Out" Rule


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    Published on Jul 08, 2023
    About :

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    Battle Link

    Hi there Lovely and Creative People of Hive World,
    Hope you all are fine and Having a nice day!

    Things are changed in Splinterlands and as slow picker, I jumped from Silver to Gold league having very less staked SPS ๐Ÿ˜… hehe
    Now Its time to learn a little and will apply on next season...
    But the happy part of it, I can still play battles and earn something big or small ๐Ÿ˜

    If you are playing Splinterlands so this weekly challenge is for you, to share your tips and tricks with given Rule. You can Jump to original contest blog by Splinterlands

    Players who are not getting a real boost on their blogs need to visit this blog by Mr. Underlock Splinterlands contests - voting criteria

    Now back to the Challenge ๐Ÿ‘‡



    RULESET: Healed Out

    All healing abilities are removed.
    This applies to summoners as well.
    Healing abilities include Heal, Tank Heal, and Triage.

    Hehe in short, no Heal for any monster from any place ๐Ÿคฃ stay and fight with what you have...


    Rules of Combat and My Strategy

    Rules of Combat ๐Ÿ‘‰

    As its un-healing battle with odd mana monsters only, I pick Mylor Crowling to have Thorn ability and pick Legionnaire Alvar at first position to stay safe if there is some Magic attack but my opponent didn't pick Magic attackers at all ๐Ÿ˜…
    I myself skip to take any Range attacker and go with Magic and Melee attacks...

    My Battle Line-up

    Earth element - Summoner - Mylor Crowling


    I picked him because of Thorn ability and it worked for me well in the battle.


    Legionnaire Alvar

    I took him because its Void Armor ability and my opponent didn't pick any Magic but Alvar did a nice job for me...

    Bramble Pixie

    I picked her for his high Melee attack and for good health

    Regal Peryton

    Picked it because of its Flying ability.

    Djinn Biljka

    Picked it for its Magic attack and Void ability

    Venari Scout

    I picked him because its Opportunity ability that will hit the low mana's monsters ๐Ÿ˜…

    Mycelic Slipspawn

    Picked it because of its Taunt ability that will help my other team to do their job ๐Ÿ˜‰


    My Opponent

    My opponent STOCKPILETUNTA comes with powerful Summoner Mimosa NightShade, but I was surprised because its already Healed Out battle so maybe he pick it for having Void ability and to decrease ranged attacks and my luck that I didn't pick a single Ranged Monster ๐Ÿ˜

    My Opponent Battle Line-up

    Death element - Summoner - Mimosa NightShade


    Opponent Line-up

    Lord of Darkness
    Creeping Ooze
    Queen of Crows
    Skeleton Assassin
    Lira the Dark


    Winning Reasons

    I am not very good on it to talk about...
    but here what I think, are the reason of MY WIN ๐Ÿ‘‡

    • Thorn ability hit back opponent's Melee attacks
    • Legionnaire Alvar reduces the opponent's Melee attack.
    • Mycelic taunt and other team did their job very well

    My strategy works well but it was not one sided game, the opponent's team is very powerful but things were positive for me and I won it ๐Ÿ˜‚


    Hope You enjoyed the battle and this blog as well,

    All Images on this blog are
    • My own created
    • ScreenShots/Images of Splinterlands game

    And I used OBS Studio for screen recording and ClipChamp online tool for (little editing)
    Thanks for the Visit

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