Another week for a new entry for this week, so today I am bringing to you guys a sing which I did the cover of the song, the name of the artist which I picked this week is pixies and the title of the song is Allison. This pixies is an American rock band which was formed in Boston in 1986 and as thing goes gradually the group disband during 1993 due to some issue which I couldn't find out but later reunited in the year 2004 ever since.
You know there are different motive to title of song which one do sing and this song is a stress free song and very easy to learn and rehearse on it own. So for me I didn't spend much time in order to score the song because I see it as an easy one for me.
Otra semana para una nueva entrada para esta semana, así que hoy les traigo una canción en la que hice la versión de la canción, el nombre del artista que elegí esta semana es pixies y el título de la canción es Allison. This pixies es una banda de rock estadounidense que se formó en Boston en 1986 y, a medida que avanzan las cosas, el grupo se disolvió gradualmente durante 1993 debido a un problema que no pude averiguar, pero luego se reunió en el año 2004 desde entonces.
Sabes que hay diferentes motivos para el título de la canción que uno canta y esta canción es una canción libre de estrés y muy fácil de aprender y ensayar por sí sola. Entonces, para mí, no dediqué mucho tiempo a componer la canción porque lo veo fácil para mí.
From distant star to this here bar
The me, the you, where are we now?
Hurray the blues of everyone
Keeps a smile around a while
He took no fright and jettisoned
We'll go tonight to hear him tell
"Oh well, Allison"
And when the planet hit the sun
I saw the face of Allison
Allison, Allison, Allison, Allison
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