AFRI-TUNES WEEK #43 || With Every Breath- Uche & LoveWorld Singers (Cover)


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    Published on Jan 01, 2023
    About :

    Our Lord God is worthy of all praise. With every breath that's within us, we glorify the Lord for His wonders in our lives especially in this season where we just stepped into a new year.

    We are finally in the long awaited year 2023 and it's my joy to welcome you to this beautiful year, the year of The Prolific Church where the Church of Jesus Christ —which you are and are a part of is multiplying beyond bounds and spreading throughout the earth unhindered. This prolificacy of the Church in these days shall be as never before experienced.

    You are going to be so prolific everywhere in an outstanding way, outrunning the world and everything the people of the world can muster. You get in there and the spirit of multiplication, you will see it happen because this is God's plan for his church in 2023.

    The table has been set already so, come and dine. 🥳🥳💃💃😊😊😇

    I hope you like my rendition of the song 🎵 ❤ 💜 🎶 🪕 🎼 💿

    Genre: Gospel


    With every breath
    I tell of Your wonders
    When I breathe in, breathe out
    Lord I’m singing of You
    To write about all Your works
    Measure the depth of Your love
    A million and one lifetimes
    Will not be enough

    Light of my life
    The sun needs You to shine
    A god like You, I’ll never find
    All You have made
    Show Your wisdom and mighty strength
    Lord, I glorify You with every breath

    Stones will never
    Cry out in my place
    When I sleep, when I’m awake
    My soul honours Your name
    You wrote the constellations
    To tell the story of creation
    And how You formed, with Your spoken word
    Man from the dust

    For Your grace and goodness
    We Your saints bless You
    We speak of the glory of Your kingdom
    And Your power, with every breath

    Lyrics Source


    Tags :

    afri-tunes afrwk43 musiccommumity music indiaunited beatzchain ocd proofofbrain jahm neoxian

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