Tricks that seem easy, but have their technique. #1 Nollie 360 Pop🛹 👊 [Esp/Ing]


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    Published on Jun 27, 2023
    About :

    Hello friends how are you?
    Today I wanted to create a kind of series in my profile of tricks that seem easy, but are not. In the sense of thinking about hitting it without pop or with pop.

    Hola, amigos como estan?
    Hoy quise crear una especie de serie en mi perfil de trucos que parecen faciles, pero no lo son. En el sentido de pensarlo en darle sin pop o con pop.

    I think I couldn't pick a better trick than Nollie 360 pop shove it at first most people do this trick without pop which isn't bad, I've even seen people do this trick first than kickflip.

    Creo que no pude elegir un mejor truco que Nollie 360 pop shove it al principio la mayoria de las personas hacen este truco sin pop lo cual no esta mal, hasta he visto personas que hacen primero este truco que kickflip.

    The problem begins when we want to give the trick pop and style, here the chaos begins, but after several attempts it can be learned.

    El problema empieza cuando queremos darle pop y estilo al truco, aqui empieza el caos, pero despues de varios intentos se puede aprender.

    You would like to be paid for a Nollie 360 without pop and you placing it with pop, skate game stuff.

    Te gustaria que te pagaran un Nollie 360 sin pop y tu colocandolo con pop, cosas de juegos de skate.

    Tags :

    skatehive skateboard spanish palnet neoxian sportstalk pob vyb archo proofofbrain

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