Hello how are you friends.
Today I share with you the 4th trick of the session that I had, when I started skating again. These two days I shared two videos doing the tricks that I like the most and returning to the level little by little.
Hola, como estan amigos.
Hoy les comparto el 4to truco de la sesion que tuve, cuando volvi a patinar. Estos dos dias les comparti dos videos haciendo los trucos que mas me gustan y volviendo al nivel poco a poco.
Today I share with you one of my favorites which is Switch heelflip I hope you enjoy it and I hope I can share more tricks with you and return to my old tricks friends.
El dia de hoy les comparto uno de mis favoritos que es Switch heelflip espero lo disfruten y espero poder compartirles mas trucos y volver a mis trucos de antes amigos.
How did you like it?
Que tal les parecio?
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