meet me dancing with a friend
Just like good food and drinks, good music is another thing that must not be taken away from certain social gatherings; Valentine's party, wedding ceremony, funerals occasions, naming ceremony, political rally, and so on. However, it is a fact that every social gathering has a kind of music that is unique to it. In other words, every occasion has a peculiar type of music. Have you ever imagined playing a funeral song in a wedding ceremony? or singing certain circular songs during church services in place of worship and praises? This will sound so strange and lots of people will be thrown into confusion.
The kind of music played in a gathering or party determines to a great extent the flow of the party, it also informs the feeling and mood of the people and the general atmosphere of such gathering. This fact became clearer to me last week during our Valentine’s party in church. At the start of the party, the disc jockey (DJ) started with some songs that were more suitable for 2017 Valentine’s day. In that year 2017, I tagged the day a Valenash day in one of my articles because ash Wednesday which is characterized by remorseful feelings for one’s sins, by fasting and by prayer coincided with valentine's day. A lot of Christians especially Catholics felt so disappointed that year because they could not celebrate the valentine's day as usual. A lot of people had to go to church for the reception of ashes on their foreheads as a sign of remorse for their sins and also as a way of being reminded that we are all from dust and unto dust we shall return at the appointed time. Club houses were empty while the churches were filled.
At the party last week, the DJ started with such song as 'Nearer my God to thee'.
As a DJ it is very important to always plan a head and select appropriate songs for events you are to anchor before the D-day. This advice does not apply to a DJ only but also to everyone. Life is all about planning. Don't just let things happen.
On the long run, the Val's party became so interesting as some people made song suggestions and even availed their phones to be connected via Bluetooth to the sound system. Few people also made special song presentations on stage and the party was so spiced with good food and drinks. In my own little way, I also did a presentation with my Alto recorder. The title of my presentation is My heart goes on by Celine Dion. I hope you will derive some meaning by listening to me live stage. The person that recorded me did not begin when I started but I’m glad I have something to show to you. I will also flash you some special presentations by some of my friends.
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