Automotivación pequeño cover de "en guerra" de Camilo y Sebastian Yatra


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    Published on Dec 07, 2022
    About :
    Hola amigos de hive, espero que estén de maravilla, hoy les traigo un pequeño cover del tema "en Guerra" de Camilo y Sebastián Yatra, realmente este cover tiene más de un año, no lo había subido a ninguna red social porque en ese entonces era bastante tímida, y no subía muchos covers, pero después de haber subido otros covers, recordé que tenía este video guardado y decidí mostrárselo.

    Hello hive friends, I hope you are wonderful, today I bring you a small cover of the song "in War" by Camilo and Sebastián Yatra, this cover is actually more than a year old, I had not uploaded it to any social network because at that time I was pretty shy, and I didn't upload many covers, but after uploading other covers, I remembered that I had this video saved and decided to post it.

    Este tema a mi parecer se trata de dar un mensaje de aliento a las personas que tienen un problema consigo mismos, esas personas que se sienten acomplejadas de alguna forma, que sientan estar en una guerra constante con sus propios pensamientos, es muy hermosa esta canción, transmite muchos sentimientos, te hace sentir que estás bien, tal y como eres, personalmente no me sentí identificada del todo, pero me agrado la idea de entonar este tema motivador, y compartir la experiencia con ustedes.

    This song, in my opinion, is about giving a message of encouragement to people who have a problem with themselves, those people who feel self-conscious in some way, who feel they are in a constant war with their own thoughts, this song is very beautiful It transmits many feelings, it makes you feel that you are fine, just the way you are, personally I did not feel identified at all, but I liked the idea of singing this motivating theme, and sharing the experience with you .

    Mi acompañante con la guitarra no quiso salir en el vídeo, pero en el momento en el que se grabó todo fue bastante emocionante, gracias por su atención, voten si les gusto y comenten si quieren agregar algo, que tenga una hermosa semana y un lindo día, me despido, bye.

    My accompanist with the guitar did not want to appear in the video, but at the moment it was recorded everything was quite exciting, thanks for your attention, vote if you like it and comment if you want to add something, have a beautiful week and a nice day, I say goodbye, bye.

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    Tags :

    music cover balada spanish apreciattor ocd en guerra singing art threespeak colmena

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