I'm pissed off ...(not in a bad mood, frustrated).
...I've just watched the Maxigan video on @threespeak....
After posting a video earlier today about how the Common Law movement (worldwide) seems to be growing, and watching those guys putting the police on notice, I got to do some thunking....
I'm frustrated at all the people on Hive who pretend to have some ' community ethos', while at the same time , staying quiet about the really important things (hint: it really isn't hive).
It's the things that would swallow hive up, and not even notice. And hoping everything that's nasty, and wasty will just somehow, ' go away' by ignoring it , is not strategy.
Community 'leaders'?
Fuck off.
Leaders lead by example - and they do not sit on any fucking fences.
No one is exempt.
And we - whether we like it or not - are 'it' - in this musical chairs moment in history..
It effects everyone's lives going forwards.
The outcome will affect hive to...(Oh, and btw, your kids - and your grand kids to...)
....and it's becoming very clear, day by day, that it's a binary choice.
Support natural law, Common Law, and justice - or support the cold bureaucratic processes of the overlords. ...And you will be processed....
Technocracy/socialism/fascism/communism - call it whatever you like...same shit, different label.
Don't be an idiot.
....THERE IS NO FUCKING FENCE! - just spineless, scared people caught in the headlights of what might well be the biggest crimes against humanity in the history of civilization!!!
How so?
Do you think, in some delusional reality, that by not choosing the winners of this fight for freedom and humanity will look favorably at you?
Seriously? (oh, my Wyoming property has some unicorns roaming the fields, too).
If the technocrats win - then we are all slaves, including the spinless fence sitters.(in the short term - They're doomed to lose, 100% sure of that - one way or another...eventually).
And when those liberty minded among us win (that is a certainty), then how do you think the spinless fence sitters will be looked at, then?
Pick your side and nail your convictions to the flag for everyone to see - and for people to support.
Or not.
Oh, I nearly forget in the midst of my rant....with reference to my title of this post...
In Seven days, one way or another, I'm gonna blow this fucking place up....Yeah, yeah... not literally, you idiots! lol.
(imagine the logistical mind fuck of arranging simultaneous server explosions all around the world?...I have enough trouble coordinating my pasta and Bolognese sauce being ready at the same time, so I'll leave all my 'blowing up' to online conversations!)
Hive is tiny - and the effects on anything outside of the hive ecosystem, even more so - but that doesn't matter.
IT'S Time to serve 'A NOTICE OF POSITION' ! ....(guess who's gonna be delivering the notices?)
There are also some technocratic, statist supporting people on here (In my estimations)....
The silence is deafening from some quarters.
So what better way to find peoples positions on the most important thing happening in our lifetimes , than to go on the attack?
'To serve a notice'?
And thus - find out exactly where people stand....
Now, without blowing my own trumpet - I think I'm pretty good at cutting through the bullshit and getting to the point.
And that's what I'm gonna do.
The beauty of the block chain is that there's nowhere to hide.
If you're too chicken shit to be straight about things - then I'm gonna have some very, very bad news coming your way..
Well... I will have....in about seven days.
Because it's blockchain, the world will be able to see.
Because it's blockchain, ignoring directly posed questions, is saying as much as saying nothing - and for everyone to see.
Because it's blockchain, politicking won't work.(no matter how many 'backroom chats' there on discord...)
The blockchain does not forget, the libertarian minded will not forget who acquiesced and was subservient - a willing fucking servant! , to the authority that wants to put us all in chains...
(yeah, some people really are that weak).
(zero to do with token price)
Ah..that's better...I'm not half as frustrated now that I've got that off my chest!
Oh, from my analysis so far - expect a post in the next three days from bigger accounts than mine - railing against toxicity , and bullying, with hints of in...oops giving too much away! (if going off the previous reaction is anything to go by...).
Ok rant over....
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