It was my day off yesterday, a Wednesday, here in rhe Philippines and I spent it to look for edible wild mushrooms and I went to the other mound which is the nearest site from my place. In between my mushroom hunting spree, I took some videos to record my walk as well as the view that can be seen below upon reaching a portion of the slope overlooking the West Philippine Sea.
The first view that can be seen is the view of the packing and hauling area of the industrial zone with the sea at the background. Then after walking for a few meters under a vegetated trail, the view of the neighboring vilages can be seen. At this mound, this is where I get most of the mushrooms I had in that day. The final phase of this walk was at the other mound of which I called Dalipaoen Point due to the presence of towering Dita (Alstonia scholaris) trees that dominates the landscape and it is one of the highest elevation in my locality. I only found a few mushrooms here though last year I picked up lots of them on the western slope of this mound.
This is my contribution for this week's Wednesday Walk hosted by @tatoodjay and thanks for spending time reading my humble content.
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