Our little one's last visit to the barber shop was not a good one. He was crying so hard when the barber took an electric razor and suggested we must not force the child so to avoid trauma. That was March of this year.
Seven months after, we decided to try again and bring him to a barber shop just here in our local town. A few days before bringing him here, we had been mentioning it to him and set his mindset that the barbers are cool and they'll cut his hair without pain.
He seemed to be listening to us so today, we brought him and it was perfect as there were no other customers around, normally, this place is packed with men waiting for their turn. So, as soon as we went inside, they asked Matti to sit on the chair but my husband decided to hold him and sit on his lap instead so he won't get scared, it was a great idea!

He was curious as to why we were in this place where there were lots of hairs on the floor! He looked around and the other barbers were friendly enough to give him encouraging words! But, they also had mistaken Matti for a girl!
I am glad that the barber seemed to have dealt with toddlers too and he was fast in cutting Matti's hair. He said, he has to be fast or else the kids might end up with an uneven hair!
He was even cutting while talking to us about how we would like the hairstyle to be. I was not sure what hairstyle though so I just let the husband decide and they were talking about some numbers and stuff which I didn't understand but I just told the husband to do whatever he thinks is best!
Thankfully, Matti was very patient and he behaved from he start. A few times, he would say, "mama, it's almost done" and I agreed with him although it was not yet halfway through the cutting.
It didn't take long before the barber said it was all done and so we were happy to tell him that it was all done and gave him a "good job" hug.

It was then time for the husband's haircut and as we sat on the chair, more customers started coming in. Matti looked different with shorter hair. I was also happy that he was really well-behaved during the entire process! I guess he was not afraid of barbers or razors anymore!
I asked him to smile for the camera and this was the face he showed me! My parents were really surprised to see Matti with short hair. They say he looks like a young man and the hair cut looks good on him! I am relieved that the haircut went well and so finally, he won't be mistaken as a girl!

You can watch the video too! Thanks a lot!
Boholana | Cebu | Philippines | Travel | Photography Enthusiast | Calligraphy | Art
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