It's the end of the splinterlands' season and this time around I was only able to accrue 25 loot due to how difficult it was for me to get into silver III, this was due to my inability to consistently play and the fact that my win rate was way worse than last season. The second reason is that the bots are getting better and figuring out new combinations to play the different splinters.
It's been difficult to predict the combinations because this season has been different from the last. So I got only 25 loot, while I got 38 last season. Last season's rewards were better, my DEC drop was way worse and I couldn't get up to three figures on any of my DEC in any of the 25 loots.
I think I own every card that I've been given except the vulgine a life card, I'm not particularly excited by it seeing that it's got only one health. The speed is decent, and the attack too isn't bad but considering it has just 2 mana, I think it's not bad.
In some different ruleset where the health is increased, it might do better, or its abilities might be put to a full test. I'm not overly disappointed, I just hoped my DEC drop was more decent than last season. I was also thinking a pack would be dropped in there but then, there's no pack
The new season is about 18 days. Wow! I've never seen a season that's higher than 15 days, hopefully, I can take advantage of this to at least get up to 40 loots this time around. Cheers, may the next Season's rewards be better.
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