Retro Music semana 11 / cover " Marta tiene un marcapasos " por @joandelgado spa/eng


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    Published on Jul 19, 2023
    About :

    Excelente y bendecido miércoles para todos ustedes, hoy quise interpretar una canción con la que crecí y que estuvo presente en muchas etapas de mi vida. Disfrútenla tanto como haciéndola.

    Esta vez extraje la voz principal de la pista original de la canción, agregué mi voz y unas segundas voces en los coros.

    Excellent and blessed Wednesday to all of you, today I wanted to perform a song that I grew up with and that was present in many stages of my life. Enjoy it as much as doing it.

    This time I extracted the lead vocal from the original track of the song, added my vocals and some backing vocals on the choruses.

    Marta tiene un marcapasos Que le anima el corazón No tiene que darle cuerda Es automático Puedes oír sus pataditas Está vivo creo yo Marta tiene un pasajero en su corazón En su corazón Siento un golpe en el pecho Yo solo quería besarte Ha salido el marcapasos Entre vísceras y sangre Mírale Qué ojitos tiene Es idéntico a su padre Es idéntico a su padre Juega con todos los niños Les arranca el corazón Se los come con tomate Qué simpático No hay criatura más hermosa Que el pequeño marcapasos Marta está ya como loca de manicomio De manicomio Siento un golpe en el pecho Yo solo quería besarte Ha salido el marcapasos Entre vísceras y sangre Mírale Qué ojitos tiene Es idéntico a su padre Es idéntico a su padre
    Marta has a pacemaker What encourages your heart You don't have to wind it It's automatic you can hear their kicks It's alive I think Marta has a passenger in her heart In his heart I feel a blow in the chest I just wanted to kiss you The pacemaker has come out Between guts and blood look at him what eyes does he have He is identical to his father He is identical to his father Play with all the children rips out their hearts He eats them with tomato That sympathetic There is no more beautiful creature than the little pacemaker Marta is already like crazy in an asylum madhouse I feel a blow in the chest I just wanted to kiss you The pacemaker has come out Between guts and blood look at him what eyes does he have He is identical to his father He is identical to his father
    Tags :

    retromusic spanish cover music live #threespeak #appreciator palnet hive

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