Hello Hive openmic family
I m glad to be joining the family as we do songs in line with the 178 week theme "people" by @benii a big inspiration and one of those who I first saw on the hive openmic. @benii thanks for hosting the topic and I pray you keep meeting good people.
The song I have for you all today is a song by Hillsong United titled Good Grace, it was taken out of the album titled people and it seem to be the best song in my mind to render for this week.
The song called out to all people to come to the light of the Good Grace that Jesus provides for everyone of us in that he laid his life for us that we might leave.
The chorus saying people come together, feels like a call to every person from different tribes friends and neighbours to come to see the beautiful and amazing thing.
It also speaks words of encouragement and comfort to them saying that they should not be troubled but that they must fix their eyes on this one truth that God is madly in love with them.
The song really pushes me to want to express the love of God to more people and also shows that people are Gods focus.
The love of God was to save people and so if we have that same love of God we must be able to reflect it to other people around us.
Jesus taught that what people will use to know that we have learnt from him is if we love. So I must also encourage us all to call out to people to see the love of God.
"God is madly in love with"
Come together
Strange as neighbors
Our blood is one
Of generations
Of every nation
Of kingdom come
Don't let your heart be troubled
Hold your head up high
Don't fear no evil
Fix your eyes on this one truth
God is madly in love with you
Take courage
Hold on
Be strong
Remember where our help comes from
Our redemption
Our salvation
Is in His blood
Light of heaven
Friend forever
His kingdom come
Swing wide
All you heavens
Let the praise go up
As the walls come down
All creation
Everything with breath
Repeat the sound
All His children
Clean hands
Pure hearts
Good grace
Good God
His Name is Jesus
I hope that you all love this song and flow deeply with it as the melody is so sweet I almost didn't want to stop recording. But I had to call it to a stop for length of video.
Please do listen with a ear phones to enjoy the guitar well.
Thanks so much for watching.
Sannu Hive openmic iyali
Na yi farin cikin shiga cikin iyali yayin da muke yin waƙoƙi daidai da taken mako 178 "mutane" na @benii babban abin ƙarfafawa kuma ɗaya daga cikin waɗanda na fara gani akan buɗaɗɗen hive. @benii na gode da karbar bakuncin wannan batu kuma ina yi muku addu'a ku ci gaba da haduwa da mutanen kirki.
Wakar da nake muku a yau, waka ce ta Hillsong United mai suna Good Grace, an fitar da ita daga cikin albam mai suna mutane kuma ga alama ita ce mafi kyawun waƙa a raina don yin wannan makon.
Waƙar ta yi kira ga dukan mutane su zo ga hasken alherin alheri da Yesu ya tanadar wa kowa da kowa a cikin mu domin ya ba da ransa domin mu mu bar.
Ƙungiyar mawaƙa tana cewa mutane suna taruwa, suna jin kamar kira ga kowane mutum daga ƙabilu daban-daban abokai da maƙwabta su zo su ga kyakkyawan abu mai ban mamaki.
Har ila yau yana magana da kalmomi masu ƙarfafawa da kwantar da hankali a gare su yana mai cewa kada su damu amma dole ne su zuba ido a kan wannan gaskiya guda daya da Allah ya haukace su.
Waƙar tana ƙarfafa ni sosai don in nuna ƙaunar Allah ga mutane da yawa kuma ta nuna cewa mutane suna mai da hankali ga Allah.
Ƙaunar Allah ita ce ceton mutane don haka idan muna da irin wannan ƙaunar Allah dole ne mu iya nuna ta ga sauran mutanen da ke kewaye da mu.
Yesu ya koyar da cewa abin da mutane za su yi amfani da su su san cewa mun koya daga wurinsa shi ne idan muna ƙauna. Don haka dole ne in ƙarfafa mu duka mu yi kira ga mutane su ga ƙaunar Allah.
"Allah ya jikanta da rahama"
Ku taho tare
M a matsayin makwabta
Jinin mu daya ne
Na tsararraki
Na kowace al'umma
Na mulki zo
Kada ka bari zuciyarka ta damu
Rike kai sama sama
Kada ku ji tsoron wani sharri
Kafa idonka akan wannan gaskiya guda daya
Allah ya haukace yana kaunar ku
Yi ƙarfin hali
Ku kasance da ƙarfi
Ka tuna inda taimakonmu ya fito
Fansar mu
Ceton mu
Yana cikin jininsa
Hasken sama
Aboki har abada
Mulkinsa ya zo
Swing fadi
Duk sammai
Bari yabo ya tashi
Yayin da ganuwar ke gangarowa
Dukkan halitta
Komai da numfashi
Maimaita sautin
Duk 'ya'yansa
Hannu masu tsabta
Tsarkakakkiyar zukata
Kyakkyawan alheri
Allah nagari
Sunansa Yesu
Ina fatan duk kuna son wannan waƙa kuma ku zurfafa tare da ita saboda waƙar tana da daɗi sosai kusan ban so in daina yin rikodin ba. Amma dole ne in kira shi don tsayawa don tsayin bidiyo.
Da fatan za a saurara da wayoyin kunne don jin daɗin guitar da kyau.
Na gode sosai da kallo.
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