Jimmy Dore Interview: Story of Jimmy's 'Vaccine' Injury, Ivermectin, Waking Up to the Covid Illusion


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    Published on Oct 14, 2021
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    On Wednesday, October 13, comedian and alt-left talk show host of the Jimmy Dore Show, Jimmy Dore, joined Ryan Cristian for an interview on The Last American Vagabond to discuss the story of his Covid 'vaccine' injury, the laughably absurd propaganda campaign against Ivermectin, and his journey of waking up to the Covid Illusion.

    Like so many injection recipients, Jimmy was pro-vaccine before he got his shots, and still is; he just isn't a proponent of the Covid vaccination coercion campaign any longer, which is corrupt, dishonest and tyrannical. And like many others, it was his 'vaccine' injury that ultimately caused him to begin questioning the establishment Covid narrative and ultamitely realize the truth that it is an illusion being used to advance the corrupt and profitable mandatory vaccination agenda.

    Some days after his second injection, Jimmy fell ill with flu-like symptoms, and thought it was a passing side effect, but as time passed, he never got better, and several weeks after the injection he also developed a stiff neck and raging headaches, and noticed that several relatives who had taken the injections at the same time as he had also developed stiff necks, all within a week of eachother. It was at this point he could no longer deny that this was an adverse reaction of the 'vaccine'.

    As the months passed and Jimmy never recovered from his flu-like illness, he got into contact with a doctor studying 'long haul Covid' and 'long haul Covid' symptoms in injection recipients, and was informed that he was not alone; and in fact there were hundreds of others out there who had essentially developed 'long haul Covid' as a result of the experimental injections. The doctor's research paper on long haul Covid was accepted for peer-review, however at that time, the prospects of his research on 'long haul Covid' as an adverse 'vaccine' reaction being similarly accepted for peer-review did not look good, as the establishment doesn't want to touch any documented evidence of 'vaccine' harm, let alone evidence that the injections may in fact be causing 'Covid19' itself! After having his illness diagnosed as 'vaccine'-induced 'long haul Covid', Jimmy took the news to his primary care physician, who thankfully understood and even informed his they were already treating a number of other patients with the exact same 'vaccine'-induced Covid-like illness, with much success. Many of the others with the same adverse reactions, whose physicians did not treat them as Covid patients, he was informed, ended up dying.

    He was sick for months, until his doctor began treating him for Covid, with Ivermectin, Vitamin D, and Fluvoxamine, at which point he immediately began to get well, although it was a slow process, and as of the interview he reports that he feels about 90-95% recovered and back to normal post-injection health. Many would say that all of the evidence indicates that these injections are literally causing 'Covid19' in recipients like Jimmy and the hundreds to thousands of others who have also been injured in this manner, with Covid symptoms responding to Covid treatments strongly indicitave that this is indeed the case. This will not be surprising to those who are familiar with the peer-reviewed research study actually "proving that the spike protein alone was enough to cause disease," even without presence of the 'virus' itself. The experimental injections were designed to work by delivering instructions to the recipient's body to create this toxic spike protien, which Pfizer's own biodistribution study found is widely distrubuted throughout the body in a matter of hours.

    Needless to say, once Jimmy realized that he and the vast majority of recipients were being lied to about the injections, not being informed of the known risks, nor even told that the 'vaccines' were utilizing experimental mRNA technology and were thus not even 'vaccines' at all but rather 'gene therapy' treatments, he began to question everything he had been told about Covid, and concluded like so many others, that the official narrative is an illusion created to both sell and ultimately mandate the injections for the profit of Big Pharma, Dr. Fauci, and other key 'pandemic' players. Jimmy noted that two of the biggest red flags that Americans are being scammed by Big Pharma and Co., including the pathological liars Anthony Fauci and Joe Biden, as well as the billionare oligarch and vaccination campaign architect Bill Gates, is that they are attempting to force these injections even on those with natural immunity, despite all of the science demonstrating that natural immunity is far superior to 'vaccine'-induced 'immunity', and the media's pathetic propaganda smear campaign against Ivermectin, continuously calling the FDA-approved for human use drug 'horse paste'.

    As Jimmy noted, mandating this 'vaccine' and waging war on all effective 'Covid19' treatments are both tools being used to drive up Big Pharma profits gained by the widespread vaccination distribution that such tactics result in, and those advancing this agenda are but Big Pharma puppets, willing to blatantly ignore science and the scientific concesus, knowingly decieve the public about all manner of things, and suppress known injuries all to sell that many more experimental injections.

    It is unfortunate that it takes being personally 'vaccine' injured for many to wake up to the criminal nature of this illusion, but it is good to see more and more people waking up to the reality of this crime against humanity, and it's also great that at least for Jimmy those in the same boat as him, there is an effective treatment for this 'vaccine'-induced illness, and that his doctor was willing to employ it. I hope you enjoy this informative interview, and feel free to share to raise awareness of this most important topic.

    Jimmy Dore Show: https://jimmydorecomedy.com/
    Support The Last American Vagabond: https://www.thelastamericanvagabond.com/

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    informationwar proofofbrain news covid-19 conspiracy deepdives politics truth

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