Hive Musical Festival. Week #50, Round 3- "Lift Me Up" cover by @glowie.


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    Published on Sep 27, 2023
    About :

    Hello everyone 👋, my name is @glowie and it's really been a while and I sincerely apologize for not being able to participate for few months now, I hope my apology will be accepted.

    I have missed this community do much and am so glad that ma back to the community. And am back with a cover of "Lift Me Up" by Rihanna.
    I mentioned in my Video that each time I listen to this song, it makes me so emotional.

    It's one of my favorite songs, a song that portrays alot about life mainly. It reflects alot. Some people may see it as a song of love or a song of companionship but be it as it may, It's a song that we all have different meaning and approach from.

    In Akwa Ibom State in Our Country Nigeria, Citizens living in it can testify that things aren't really going on well, I may not know for other states though but I can tell in my state, Things hasn't been really easy down here but surely God is seeing us through.

    In the mist of all this, I don't think we should be maltreated by people, everyone should be in the place of helping one another despite the situation and conditions we may be passing through in life, anywhere we can render help to people it's really necessary that we do please cause it really helps alot. Life itself might be a bit stress, but we are surviving and people around us should contribute to our happiness and peace of mind.

    Cause t definitely helps a whole lot, we should all show love and compassion coupled with companionship as well. sometimes any of this things might be someone's strength and hope. We can never tell.

    Show some love, render help where and while you can, it's definitely helps alot and we have a peaceful life to live.

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    hmf music gem cover video contest musician life 3speak

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