Heyy. ¿Como están bonita gente de Hive? Quiero compartir un poco de lo que fué el primer show del año con mi banda Templesh en Lecheria, Venezuela. Fue todo un suceso para empezar supersticiosos viajando un viernes 13 y a media via, con un sol derritiente, la camioneta sufriera un fallo en el que tuvimos que detenernos, ya algo preocupados porque ibamos tarde a la prueba de sonido, pero concientes de que la seguridad y el bienestar del carro era primero, porque nada haciamos con desespperarnos, logramos dar con la falla, bueno un mecanico y continuamos hacia el lugar, el rest. Vivo en la ciudad de Lecheria, hicimos la prueba y aunque temiamos que los clientes se incomodaran con la prueba, al contrario muchos se quedaron desde las 7:00pm hasta las 10 que empezo el primer set del show. Todo salió genial, todos cantaron disfrutaron y pues nosotros contentos por los comentarios, siempre es gratificante que el publico se disfrute lo que hacemos. Descansamos, desyunamos al día siguiente, o siguiendo la madrugada luego del show y regresamos a casa con un sol horriblemente fuerte pero contentos de trabajar haciendo algo que muchos ven como hobby pero que nos paguen por ello? es genial.
Heyy, how are you nice people from Hive? I want to share a little bit of what was the first show of the year with my band Templesh in Lecheria, Venezuela. It was quite an event to begin with superstitious traveling on a Friday the 13th and in the middle of the road, with a melting sun, the van suffered a failure in which we had to stop, already a little worried because we were late for the soundcheck, but aware that the safety and welfare of the car was first, because we did nothing with desespperarnos, we managed to find the fault, well a mechanic and continue to the place, the rest. Vivo in the city of Lecheria, we did the test and although we feared that customers were uncomfortable with the test, on the contrary many stayed from 7:00 pm until 10 that began the first set of the show. Everything went great, everyone enjoyed singing and we were happy for the comments, it is always gratifying that the public enjoys what we do. We rested, had breakfast the next day, or following the early morning after the show and returned home with a horribly strong sun but happy to work doing something that many see as a hobby but we get paid for it ... it's great.
Traducido con Deelp Traductor. / Translated with Deelp Translator
Art is the best way to live, enjoy and feel, you never work when you do what you enjoy, you just live.
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