It is one of those weeks. Anything that can go wrong, did go wrong. Added to that, all the unforeseen things that required my attention. Earlier this week I received Mister Deadline, someone else decided she had enough of him and send the guy over to my doorstep. Luckily I was able to lock him up in a closet upon arrival. But it turned out, not for long.
Miss Time was doing her thing: tick tack tick tack. My colleagues doing shit leaving a lot of extra work for yours truly. Crypto's doing its bear-ish thing requiring my attention. The city council decided to break open the road in front of my home, leaving me without gas and therefore leaving me without my necessary coffee to handle everything. My kitchen decided to break down in terms of blocked sewer drainage. Mister Deadline was able to break himself free and since that moment is nagging me constantly. It doesn't seem I can get rid of him.
Though I was able to silence him yesterday evening. When miss Time passed by, I offered both of them a nice romantic dinner which they took with all their available hands. Such a nice surprise! Leaving me with an evening with nothing to do other than chilling!
While chilling, I got inspired by this post (source).
Earlier yesterday I was sent a little video by my upstairs neighbours. Nothing new for me to see since I was looking at all the construction work for days already. With my desk facing the window, I'm seeing and hearing the workers all day long. And even when these peeps leave their tools to turn home for a free evening and a good sleep, I'm still 100% part of the construction work. Someone decided to tab the sewer system from the apartment block just beneath my bedroom window. That in itself is not a problem when they would not use some mechanical and electrical system for this. Not sure what they really do, but the water gets out of the pipes into a machine, into a BIG bucket of water, and is then directed towards the city sewer system. This machinery makes noise, quite a bit of noise! Ok ok, not so much noise as you can hear in the video part of the post of inspiration, but still: Noise.
Fortunately, most evenings my brains decided to knock me out while 'chilling' on my little couch. Far away from the noise (well! far away? enough far away that I don't hear the noise). Chilling in quotes since I found my laptop a few times on the floor, upside down.
...am digressing, since I wanted to tell you the story about the video.
With all that happened to me last week, I was on the brink of madness. Chill time was in order. But even when I finally ended up in the circumstances I could chill, something kept me 'moving'. Was it the almighty 666? I have no idea! But what I do know is that the little 'free' time I was able to arrange for myself, resulted in spotting the said post and gave me the idea of remixing it. Just before my eyes closed with a big bang, like concrete doors, I was able to finish the production. No time anymore for a post, hence I did all I needed to do today to get miss Time to grand me enough time to write this blahblahblah 'boring' post to go along with my masterpiece video production {LOL) Keep in mind, I'm on the brink of madness; I'm not myself anymore; Therefore whatever I write I cannot take responsibility for. Compared to Steven Spielberg and Ricardo Villalobos, my creations are nothing. Although, I do wonder how the construction based 'music' will do in some underground club on a techno night.
There! You have it! Full madness mode!
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