Tho we've now snow on the ground, just last night, I thought I'd take you on a walk from just a few months prior. The Autumn day was warm and green and seems magical to me now as I sit and write this looking out at the snow covered trees and beach. The sun, however , is still shining bright today, but the sparkle of Winter and Autumn can be quite different.
The opening has my tiny little pond. It is really a puddle in a sense, I have a shade garden just off the side door of my studio in the house. I wanted, one day, to add some water as it always brings in more birds and creatures. I dug a hole popped in some spare black plastic (which still needs a bit more covering I think) and planted around it. This little puddle gives me no end of entertainment with endless song birds bathing in it and frogs moved in.
It seems so long ago since inktober yet it was only 2 months ago now, but I suppose that is the magic of the calender turning.
I hope you enjoy my little walk and get a bit of inspiration for a sketch or doodle yourself.
Have a lovely day and remember to stay creative.
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