Hive Open Mic 176 : "Gratitude" Syukur cover by @donirosayandi
Hi Hivers, how are you all? I'm sure we're all fine. My name is @donirosayandi, I'm a guitarist. On this occasion I will sing for Hive Open Mic 176, we will explore the following theme: "Gratitude." This theme is chosen by our community's recent Spotlight Artist: @ernesto6402.
For this week's theme I have prepared a good song, a song yang related to the theme, namely the song called "Syukur", which means gratitude, this song is one of the national songs of my country.
Btw, last August 17th was a historic day for my country, that day was the birthday of the Indonesian nation, it has been exactly 78 years since we were independent, and we will continue to protect this independence with all the creativity we have.
And when the theme "Gratitude" was distributed this week, I immediately thought of this national anthem, apart from the Indonesia Raya song, this song is very often heard during the independence day commemoration ceremony in my country, and this moment is perfect for me to sing for hive open mic this week
This song was composed by Husein Mutahar or often abbreviated as H. Mutahar, he specializes in hymn songs. The hymn songs he wrote were born out of his concern for the Indonesian people who wanted to be independent at that time.
His peak work is the song Thanksgiving which was composed in 1944. Exactly 1 year before Indonesia's independence, namely in 1945.
The lyrics of the Thanksgiving song reveal the belief and sincerity of the freedom fighters in defending the country and fighting the invaders, this was done by the heroes to realize Indonesian independence. Independence will soon be realized by confidently fighting and with dignity expressing gratitude to God Almighty.
From my firm conviction
My sincere heart is full
Of Thy bounty
Heritage homeland
Indonesian independence
Thank you I worship
Into Your presence, Lord
Then, this song tells about the heroes who fought with everything they had, Indonesian heroes who sacrificed all their blood, body, property and soul. Many fighters died and died to fight for Indonesia's independence
From my firm conviction
My sincere love is full
Will business services
My immortal hero
Indonesian independence
Thanks I showed you
Go down God
Until now, the song Thanksgiving has become my country's obligatory anthem, and is memorized by many Indonesians, even today it is becoming more popular after being sung by today's modern musicians.
Happy Indonesian Independence Day, Happy Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia. Freedom and and always be grateful to God Almighty.
I think this song is a very relatable song to be sung this week, this is what made me choose this song, because the song fits the theme of the 172nd Hive Open Mic week.
Happy listening.
Here are the full song lyrics.
Dari yakinku teguh
Hati ikhlas ku penuh
Akan karunia-Mu
Tanah air pusaka
Indonesia merdeka
Syukur aku sembahkan
Ke hadirat-Mu, Tuhan
Dari yakinku teguh
Cinta ikhlas ku penuh
Akan jasa usaha
Pahlawanku yang baka
Indonesia merdeka
Syukur aku hunjukkan
Ke bawah duli Tuhan
Dari yakinku teguh
Bakti ikhlasku penuh
Akan azas rukunmu
Pandu bangsa yang nyata
Indonesia merdeka
Syukur aku hunjukkan
Ke hadapan-Mu, Tuhan
Original song :
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