I'm excited to be back in the AfriTunes community! On this week's entry, I decided to sing a song by Dunsin Onyekan, which Pastor Jerry Eze was featured as well.
I chose this song because today is mother's day and this song reminds me a lot of my mum. There was a time my mum was so sick and I was usually afraid that she won't make it out alive but my mum is a woman of faith. She really believed that she would be healed and she never entertained any negative thought.
This song I performed is a song of faith and absolute trust that God can do anything. He healed my mum without us having to spend too much. I don't know what you're desperately in need of but i trust that God will come through for you.
We know you are a rewarder
of those who diligently seek your face...
All power is in your hands
and with you, nothing is impossible to do...
This is the confidence
that when we come to you
what you cannot fix,
what you cannot solve,
what you cannot do does not exist...
what you cannot fix,
what you cannot solve,
what you cannot do does not exist.
Note: I wrote this song according to how I sang it. You can get the full lyrics from here: Lyrics
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