🤓🤓 Explicando un poco lo que pasa en realidad // 🤓🤓Explaining a little what actually happens


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    Published on May 08, 2022
    About :

    Hace un mes viaje a Venezuela mi pais de origen, donde recorde y me emocione. Llegue a Chile hace una semana aproximadamente y revisando un poco Hive me encuentro que habian realizado un reencuentro en mi pueblo donde naci y soy. Eso me emociono de cierta manera, pero tambien me puso a pensar como hacen estos amigos para realizar y explicar todo con los pocos recursos que hay actualmente.

    A month ago I traveled to Venezuela, my country of origin, where I remembered and was moved. I arrived in Chile about a week ago and reviewing Hive a bit I found that they had held a reunion in my town where I was born and where I live. That moved me in a certain way, but it also made me think about how these friends do to carry out and explain everything with the few resources that currently exist.

    Yo no quise hacer ningun video, ninguna foto con respecto a Venezuela porque me parece un tema ya trillado. Solamente quise ir a disfrutar de mis familiares y de mi calor de tierra que de verdad es mucho que hace.

    I did not want to make any video, any photo regarding Venezuela because it seems to me a trite topic. I just wanted to go enjoy my relatives and my warmth from the land, which is really a lot to do.

    Pase de verdad estres horrible a no contar con la cobertura y la velocidad de internet que estoy acostumbrado a usar. Pero no solo eso sino que tambien me encuentro con la sorpresa que si hay cosas que han cambiado de verdad han cambiado mucho. Eso por otra parte no esta mal, lo que si no me gusto fue el simple echo de haber tantos funcionarios de orden en la calle haciendo lo que les da la gana; aunque unas palabras sabias me dijo " NO ES POR JUSTIFICARLOS, PERO LA UNICA MANERA DE SOBREVIVIR ERA DE ESTA MANERA Y ASI LLEVAR EL PAN A SU CASA ". Es un poco cruel pero tiene sentido, por otra parte se veia los ricos y sus cosas cotidianas.

    I really experienced horrible stress not having the coverage and speed of the internet that I am used to using. But not only that, but I am also surprised that if there are things that have really changed, they have changed a lot. On the other hand, that's not bad, what I didn't like was the simple fact that there were so many law enforcement officers on the street doing whatever they wanted; although some wise words told me "IT IS NOT TO JUSTIFY THEM, BUT THE ONLY WAY TO SURVIVE WAS THIS WAY AND TAKE THE BREAD HOME". It's a bit cruel but it makes sense, on the other hand you saw the rich and their everyday things.

    Ya una vez en Chile, revisando hive me consigo con el video de @zullyscott en Barquisimeto, de verdad ahora le tengo mas aprecio a la bella dama :). Saludos si ves esto igualmente a mi amigo @galberto.

    Once in Chile, reviewing hive I find the video of @zullyscott in Barquisimeto, now I truly appreciate the beautiful lady :). Greetings if you see this also to my friend @galberto.

    Espero que disfruten el video ...

    I hope you enjoy the video ...



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