In this video I shared my thoughts about non original content shared to steemit !
I've been on steem for more than 2 years and steemit is existing for more than three years and during all this times most of steemians fightedhard against plagiarism. Most non orignal content was flagged in steem.
But after a wile dlike apeared and people started to share from the web articles to steemit, then dtube decided to let everyone share their youtube links to the platfrom and now I see some people in 3speak uploading non original content and earning from it .... Is that fair to earn from the conent of others ?
Maybe I'm wrong and we have now some updates in steemit rules and we can share non original content ?
I don't really know. You tell me.
Anyway, I shared all my thoughts in the video because I care about the issue, especially in @threespeak because we have a competition between creators and I don't like to see someone in the top being there, just because he/she shared non original content recorded by others.
Let's play a fair game and if we are calling ourselves ''content creators'', let's create content, but not share others content.
Thanks for reding and watching the video.
Share your thoughts in the comments please.
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