Hello people of God, its been a while, I'm so excited to finally be back here again, and before I go further, complement of the season, even if it's hamatan season hahaha 😂, how are we, I hope and pray we're all doing great.
This is my entry for afritunes week 93, 7 more weeks to week hundred haha 😂, it's not easy oh expecially to the admin of this community, my special greetings and appreciate to them for the great work they have been doing.
Well today I decided to do a cover of a song by Prinz Emmanuel, you know Prinz Emmanuel and his usual amazing vibes, the song is titled BIGGER ODOGWU, and the cover I did is the orchestra version of the song, I love the song because of its beautiful melody and also the lyrics isn't that hard to score, I've been hearing about this song for a while but recently it started banging on my mind, the normal version of the song is kinda fast so I preferred this orchestra version to the normal version.
Comparing God Almighty to other gods is like comparing a creator to his creation because God Almighty obviously created every other thing existing, when it comes to OGA God is number one, I feel this is the best time to uphold and to exalt God's wanderful nature, looking at how he has saved us from things or situations we never imagined that we would pass through, it's awesome how God's works, we can't even predict his moves but all I can speak of is that as far as you commit yourself to God, then be rest assured that he will take care of you.
I've been through many unfavorable situations this year and the story of how I came out of them I can't really tell but all of a sudden I discovered that I was out of those situations, God is indeed wanderful and no other God can be compared to him.
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