Me complace haber encontrado esta gran comunidad para los amantes del rock. El rock representa para mi un estilo de vida esta musica en cuestion su historia y todo lo que representa sencillamente me fascina.
El dia de hoy vengo a interpretarles un cover de uno de los mayores exponentes del rock latino. Se trata de Andres Calamaro con uno de sus mas grandes exitos "Flaca". Una canción que ha roto fronteras y seguro mas de uno la a tarareado alguna vez.
Hello friends of Pukumundo!
Best regards.
I am pleased to have found this great community for rock lovers. Rock represents for me a way of life, this music in question, its history and everything it represents simply fascinates me.
Today I come to interpret a cover of one of the greatest exponents of Latin rock. We are talking about Andrés Calamaro with one of his greatest hits "Flaca". A song that has broken frontiers and surely more than one has hummed it at some point.
Otra de las interpretaciones más comunes es que se refiere a las infidelidades en pareja y lo tormentoso que puede significar decir cosas las cuales no sentimos ni queremos decir.This song has been a legend, but it has also been the subject of many interpretations, because Calamaro does not provide certainties in his lyrics, he only leaves us hints, which is left to the free interpretation of the listeners. There are 2 theories about it, the first one is that this song talks about the lack of honesty in a relationship where we usually pretend to be affectionate without feeling it in order not to hurt our partner.
Another of the most common interpretations is that it refers to infidelities in a couple and how stormy it can be to say things that we don't feel or want to say.
Flaca no me claves
Tus puñales
Por la espalda
Tan profundo
No me duelen
No me hacen mal
En el centro
De la tierra
Las raíces
Del amor
Donde estaban
Entre el no me olvides
Me dejes nuestros abriles olvidados
En el fondo del placard
Del cuarto de invitados
Eran tiempos dorados
De un pasado mejor
Aunque casi me equivoco
Y te digo poco a poco
No me mientas
No me digas la verdad
No te quedes callada
No levantes la voz
Ni me pidas perdón
Aunque casi te confieso
Que también he sido un perro compañero
Un perro ideal que aprendió ladrar
Y a volver al hogar
Para poder comer
Flaca no me claves
Tus puñales
Por la espalda
Tan profundo
No me duelen
No me hacen mal
En el centro
De la tierra
Las raíces
Del amor
Donde estaban
Andrés Calamaro Fuente
Skinny (Lyrics)
Skinny, don't you nail me
Your daggers
In my back
So deep
They don't hurt me
They don't hurt me
Far away
In the center
Of the earth
The roots
Of love
Where they were
Will remain
Among the don't forget me
Leave me our forgotten coats
In the back of the closet
In the guest room
They were golden times
Of a better past
Though I was almost wrong
And I tell you little by little
Don't lie to me
Don't tell me the truth
Don't be silent
Don't raise your voice
And don't ask me for forgiveness
Although I almost confess to you
That I've also been a companion dog
An ideal dog that learned to bark
And to come home
So I could eat
Skinny don't stab me
Your daggers
Through my back
So deep
They don't hurt me
They don't hurt me
Far away
In the center
Of the earth
The roots
Of love
Where they were
They will remain
Andrés Calamaro
Original video Source
Cabe destacar que esta es la primera vez que realizo este tipo de contenidos pido mil disculpas a los talentosos cantantes de la comunidad si desafino o no me queda bien el cover (risas) el rock es mi pasión es por ello que me atrevo a compartir con ustedes, Muchas gracias.
It should be noted that this is the first time I make this type of content, I apologize to the talented singers of the community, if I make a mistake, out of tune or does not fit me well, the cover (laughs) rock is my passion is why I dare to share with you, thank you very much.
Do you want to know more about me? I invite you to read My presentation on Hive Blog.
Author | @apolo1 |
Country | Venezuela |
CATEGORY | music, pukumundo, spanish, threespeak, aliento, ocd, palnet, pimp, cover, musicforlife, |
Editing and banners | Picsart |
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