✨Hive Open Mic week 211✨ Te dejo en libertad (Cover Song)


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    Published on Apr 24, 2024
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    ✨Hive Open Mic week 211✨ Te dejo en libertad (Cover Song)
    Greetings to everyone in this excellent community, I am very happy to be here for a new opportunity. On this occasion I share with you a particularly romantic cover song, which is played by the Mexican sister duo Ha-Ash. A song that reminds me of my teenage years because I listened to it a lot at that time, in addition to the fact that its lyrics address, among many aspects, heartbreak and its consequences. In this version that I bring you, @rikardonaranjo accompanies me on guitar. Thanks for stopping by my blog, I hope you enjoy it. At the end of the video I leave you the link to the official video of this topic. greetings

    grabado por mis propios medios
    grabado por mis propios medios
    Herramientas de edición y Producción
    Editing and Production Tools
    Traductor: DeepL
    Translator: DeepL
    Dispositivos: Xiaomi Redmi 9A
    Devices: Xiaomi Redmi 9A
    Nos vemos en una próxima publicación, gracias por tu visita a mi blog!
    See you in a future post, thanks for your visit to my blog!

    ¿Quieres saber más de mí?
    Want to know more about me?
    https://www.instagram.com/amy_b_03?igsh=YXhoYTg0OWJicGly ==" >

    Siento que me desconoces
    Siento que tocarme ahora te de igual (te da igual)
    Cada vez hay más temores
    Crece como hiedra la inseguridad
    Y me lastima ver que intentas rescatar
    Lo que un día
    En el alma nos unía
    Ya no está
    Aunque estas
    Es momento de afrontar la realidad
    Tu me quieres pero yo te amo
    Esa es la verdad
    Tu presencia aquí me esta matando
    Sentirte a la mitad
    Me he cansado de intentar y no lograr
    Que te vuelva a enamorar
    Se que no me quieres lastimar
    Pero tengo que soltarte
    Hoy te dejo en libertad
    No te odio no hay rencores
    Simplemente el corazon
    Ya no está (tu corazón ya no está)
    Se han perdido los colores
    Ya tus manos no me tratan de buscar
    Y me lastima ver que intentas rescatar
    Lo que un día en el alma nos unía
    Ya no está
    Aunque estás
    Es momento de afrontar la realidad
    Tu me quieres pero yo te amo
    Esa es la verdad
    Tu presencia aquí me esta matando
    Sentirte a la mitad
    Me eh cansado de intentar y no lograr
    Que te vuelva a enamorar
    Se que no me quieres lastimar
    Pero tengo que soltarte

    I feel like you don't know me
    I feel that touching me now doesn't matter to you (you don't care)
    There are more and more fears
    Insecurity grows like ivy
    And it hurts me to see that you try to rescue
    What one day
    In the soul it united us
    It is no longer
    Although you are
    It is time to face reality
    You like me but I love you
    That's the truth
    Your presence here is killing me
    Feeling half
    I'm tired of trying and not achieving
    May you fall in love again
    I know you don't want to hurt me
    But I have to let you go
    Today I set you free
    I don't hate you, there are no hard feelings
    Simply the heart
    It's gone (your heart is gone)
    Colors are lost
    Your hands no longer try to search for me
    And it hurts me to see that you try to rescue
    What one day united us in our souls
    It is no longer
    Although you are
    It is time to face reality
    You like me but I love you
    That's the truth
    Your presence here is killing me
    Feeling half
    I'm tired of trying and not achieving
    May you fall in love again
    I know you don't want to hurt me
    But I have to let you go

    Tags :

    openmic hive threespeak mobile spanish soundmusic

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