Greetings to all and sundry on this great platform, I welcome you all once again to my blog
and as usual, we shall continue from where I stopped in my previous video. As I indicated in my video, today we shall be looking at the Gameplay explained in the video shared here. I have taken my time to explain them, so you can understand how the gameplay will look like.
In this video, I have covered the following topics; the alpha gameplay, where we looked at the four Unique features of the HoloZing game that differs from other web3 games. I also discussed the monsters in the wild (Players Vs Environment). I talked about the stages or phases in which one can
approach this game and they include; casual players, competitive players, and top players. Monster's stats were also discussed and explained in this video.
The six battle outcomes were also explained in the video and they include; monster defeated, monster wins, monster flees, you flee, and monster captured. I also discussed the healing system and also the battle anatomy of the game. I explained how the levelling system will work in the game and also what it means by capturing a monster and how it is going to look like.
Arena battles which include player versus player mode is also explained in the video and finally, I talked about the types of professions that will be included in the gameplay. Kindly take your time and watch the video here, also remember to leave your feedback in the comment section, I would be glad to reading them.
In my next video recording episode, I will take you guys through the tokenomics system of the HoloZing Game. Stay tuned to my blog, and watch out for more exciting vlogs. I am looking forward to seeing you all in my subsequent posts. Thank you all for your time and attention in reading this post.
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