Greetings to all and sundry on this great platform, I welcome you all once again to my blog,
I deem it a great pleasure to write and share this blog with you all. Guess what, I am here with
my final video game review which today we would be looking at the Roadmap V1 section
of this game.
A lot of us are currently waiting to here that HoloZing game will be launched on blah blah,
and but guess what, not yet time for that, so let's exercise more patient. If you follow this
video clearly, you will clearly understand the Roadmap of this game easier.
In the video, I talked about the Pre-alpha phase, the alpha-phase, the closed alpha,
open beta and also the launch of the game. I have discussed all these inclduing he features
or additions that we should be expecting during those stages.
The testing of the game is also expected to be ready in the Open alpha stage which will
happen somewhere in the 1st quater of 2024 prior to the launch. This is a good way to fix
any kind of bugs before the official launching. I hope that this video really help you guys.
I am looking forward to seeing you all once again in my subsequent posts. Leave a your
feedback here in the comment section and I will be glad to reply you back. Thank you all
for your time and attention in followng my tutorials.
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