For an experiment, i combined 4 songs together one track! The results, are not what you'd expect...


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    Published on Oct 18, 2022
    About :

    So today, I decided to experiment a bit with sound; in what most normal people would consider unorthodox and perhaps even a tad bit... idiotic ๐Ÿ˜…

    Luckily I'm both of those things and more!

    Well then, care to join me?

    Origin of the Experiment

    Ah, it's impossible to say how the idea first came to mind but once conceived, I just simply couldn't let it go! You see, it all started a couple days ago... i was at a friend's birthday party and there was this REALLY loud and REALLY annoying music playing(i believe it was that emo girl song by MGK) in the background.

    So there I was, pissed outta my mind, just moments away from breaking down when suddenly, I realized something - I had some earphones on me! So quickly, i put on the earphones and just played the first thing that was on my playlist.

    Lol, It didn't even matter what was on, literally any other song was more tolerable than that piece of ....

    Anyway, luckily it was a Bach piece!

    Now Playing Bach's Prelude in C major from the well tempered clavier๐ŸŽง๐ŸŽถ

    "Ahh... much better" I thought.

    But ere long, something rather queer began happening. Now, in what I believe was as a result of the MGK song being WAY too LOUD, I found myself being able to listen to both songs(the one on my phone and the one in the party) simultaneously! Yes, it was as almost as if my brain was processing these two different tracks seamlessly! Much like a DAW would lol.

    Mm hmm... so this my friends, was what brought about today's experiment!


    Upon further researching the next day, i found that those two songs from the party were coincidentally, in the same key! To be exact, they were both in the key of C Major.

    "Uh... i see... maybe that's why they both flowed so well together?.." I thought. But, it was much more than that.

    Needless to say, I continued with my research which ultimately, led me to a much more satiable answer: Via an article I came across online, I was able to understand that everything that happened that day during the party, was due to a term known as Auditory processing.

    The term "auditory processing" refers to functions performed primarily by the brain that help a listener interpret sounds. Among other things, auditory processing enables us to tell the direction a sound is coming from, the timing and sequence of a sound, and whether a sound is a voice we need to listen to or background noise we should ignore. Most people don't even realize they possess these skills, much less how adept they are at them. Auditory processing skills play a role in a child's language acquisition and learning abilities, although the extent of that relationship is not well understood.

    See the rest of the article to understand auditory processing further

    Apparently, the auditory processing thing is mostly hereditary and isn't exactly present in everyone (much like perfect pitch). Nonetheless, i still posses the trait.

    But bigger is better they say no?

    Now hear me out.

    Certainly, science has proved that the brain has the ability to process two different sounds at the same time right? But you know what it hasn't proved yet?... The ability to process FOUR AT THE SAME TIME.

    And seamlessly too...

    That's right folks, today I'm challenging your brain with not




    not even


    #But Four different sounds!


    So for the experiment, I have selected 4 different songs all in the key of E major.

    • We are the world by Michael Jackson

    • My heart will go on by Celine Dion

    • Photograph by Ed Sheeran


    • Ocean eyes by Billie Eilish.

    And by the end of the experiment, you should be able to know if you possess this auditory processing thing yourself, if you're brain can tolerate as much as 4 different sounds at the same time, and if you'll be one of the lucky unique few, who'll be present for the CREATION OF MY NEW GENRE i call, Multiwave.

    That right! You heard me! I'm creating a new genre for people just like me whoms posses this auditory processing thing. I mean just think about it for a dec? Imagine being the only bad ass in the party that can groove out to the smooth jazz of Kenny G while at the same time, listening to a relaxing Mozart piece, singing along to a melancholic Billie, and banging yoir head to a heavy metal imagine dragons - ALL AT THE SAME TIME? ๐Ÿ˜

    Heck! People would think you're hella gifted! Either that though, or they'll think you're from outer space ๐Ÿ‘ฝ๐Ÿ˜…...

    Well, enough said now, just go ahead and watch the video to begin the experiment!

    Hopefully, i'm not the only one with this cool trait.

    Thanks for reading and Keep exploring!

    Tags :

    music experimental unorthodox alien sound palnet neoxian

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