* # @Yisusgtr - (Original song) restart/reiniciar (Fusion 2019)


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    Published on Feb 14, 2021
    About :

    • @Yisusgtr - (Original song) restart/reiniciar (Fusion 2019)

    • Hola a todos queridos hiver's, como estan? espero que maravilloso

    esta vez les traigo una de mis composiciones viejas de hace 2 años o mas, esta composicion es completamente instrumental acompañada de 1 bajo, 1 guitarra y bateria (la cual compuse yo) es un tema bastante fusion y abstracto, influenciado por el jazz, el rock y el funk, con metricas en la bateria un poco raras, este tema me recuerda a mi epoca en la que estaba creciendo poco a poco en la musica, hoy en dia toco guitarra, sigo estudiando la musica y toco mejor que en esa epoca en la cual compuse ese tema.
    si mas que decir espero que disfruten esa pieza, si quieren mas composiciones originales de mi autoria, haganmelo saber en los comentario, les aseguro que son mejores que las de esa epoca mia.

    • # tambien quiero decirles, que por cada voto que tenga en mis post me estan ayudando a reunir el dinero para comprarme mejores equipos y traer contenido de mejor calidad a la plataforma, ya que cuento con un equipo de bajos recursos para grabar, editar y componer.

    * # Hello to all dear hiver's, how are you? I hope you are wonderful!

    this time I bring you one of my old compositions from 2 years ago or more, this composition is completely instrumental accompanied by 1 bass, 1 guitar and drums (which I composed) is a quite fusion and abstract theme, influenced by jazz, rock and funk, with metrics in the drums a little weird, this theme reminds me of my time in which I was growing little by little in music, today I play guitar, I continue studying music and play better than at that time in which I composed that theme.
    if more to say I hope you enjoy that piece, if you want more original compositions of my authorship, let me know in the comments, I assure you that they are better than those of that time of mine.

    • # I also want to tell you that for every vote you have in my posts you are helping me to raise the money to buy better equipment and bring better quality content to the platform, since I have a low resource equipment to record, edit and compose.

    • espero que disfruten este cover, los hice para ustedes, un fuerte abrazo a todos <3

    • I hope you enjoy this cover, I made it for you, a big hug to all of you <3



    • Unete al servidor de Discord de havisicians, una comunidad creada solo para musicos, puedes compartir tu tanlento con nosotros https://discord.gg/CKNJXhB

    • Join the Discord server of havisicians, a community created only for musicians, you can share your tanlento with us https://discord.gg/CKNJXhB

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    cervante spanish posh music hive

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