Hola queridos de amigos de #espavlog Espero que estén súper bien les envío un saludo.En esta oportunidad quise compartir con ustedes umboxing abriendo los regalos de mi cumpleaños, cumpli 22 años y mis amigos y mi familia me dieron muchos detalles especiales.
Hello dear friends of #espavlog I hope you are super well I send you a greeting.In this opportunity I wanted to share with you umboxing opening gifts for my birthday, I turned 22 years old and my friends and family gave me many special details.
Todos se encargaron de hacer de mi cumpleaños un día súper especial y maravilloso que la verdad disfruté muchísimo.Me van a ver abriendo los regalos y la verdad cuando veo el video me da mucha emoción por la cara que pongo.Este cumpleaños fue distinto al resto pues algunos de mis familiares no estaban porque han emigrado del país. Y otros porque ya no están físicamente han partido al cielo.Sin embargo se que ellos quisieran haber estado y disfruté sus saludos y bendiciones desde la distancia.
Everyone took care of making my birthday a super special and wonderful day that I really enjoyed very much.you will see me opening the presents and the truth when I see the video I get very excited about the face I put.this birthday was different from the rest because some of my family members were not there because they have emigrated from the country.and others because they are no longer physically gone to heaven. This birthday was different from the rest because some of my relatives were not there because they have emigrated from the country and others because they are no longer physically here and have gone to heaven, but I know they would have liked to be there and I enjoyed their greetings and blessings from a distance.
Y lo más maravilloso es que me tocó estar en la iglesia el día de mi cumpleaños y pude servirle a Dios y ver a muchas personas que amo.También pude salir y compartir con mi novio para finalmente al llegar a casa encontrarme con tan hermosa sorpresa de familia y amigos.
And the most wonderful thing is that I got to be in church on my birthday and I was able to serve God and see many people I love, I was also able to go out and share with my boyfriend and finally when I got home I found such a beautiful surprise of family and friends.
Muy contenta con mi fiesta de cumpleaños
Foto de los regalos
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