Wealthy Mining Magnate Wanted to "Sterilize the Aboriginals of Australia" In Documentary From 1984


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    Published on Feb 07, 2022
    About :

    Could the crazy beliefs of billionaires be leading them to try to kill large parts of the human population? Eugenics is a bogus 'science' that claims to offer a solution to the imagined problem of 'undesireables' in the human gene pool. This philosophy that led to Adolf Hitler's plans to exterminate large groups of the world population was around long before Hitler and was very popular in the United States before World War 2.

    The word 'Eugenics' is ironically an analogy for 'ethics' and is meant to result in 'the best' possible people. The irony and hypocrisy was lost in translation as high power individuals of past generations openly tried to kill off many innocent victims in order to 'improve humanity' through mass murder! Most people know that we can't murder our way into a perfect society, yet some overlook this obvious truth! Today, some think that these crimes are not part of our modern world, but there are others who think that history is repeating in new ways.

    This short video is a clip from an Australian Documentary, published in 1984, that proves that less than 40 years ago, wealthy people were not only planning to sterilize and kill large numbers of aboriginal people in Australia, but felt safe to speak openly about it too!

    The man in this clip is Lang Hancock, a weealthy mining tycoon and close friend of the Premier of Western Australia at the time. How many such people continue to hold positions of power today? How many people turn a blind eye to their plans? Why did he particularly want to target those who had interbred with non aboriginal Australians? Would similar people today extend this 'philosophy' to include white people too? It all boils down to who they decide to be undesirables! Maybe you and your family are on their list!

    In light of the current global pandemic and attempts to enforce drugs on large numbers of people, we owe it to each other and ourselves to not forget the lessons of the past.

    All right belong to O'Rourke and Associates and are shared under fair use:
    source: https://aso.gov.au/titles/documentaries/couldnt-be-fairer/clip2/

    UNSPUN is an independent source of news and revealing information that educates and inspires.

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    history politics australia education covid19 racism eugenics vyb

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