VENATOR KINJO | Focus Chest Rewards And Opening Gladius Case Pack


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    Published on Aug 19, 2022
    About :


    VENATOR KINJO can be very useful to the team with his Reflection Shield Ability and can put up a great battle in Blast battles. Monsters with the Reflection Shield Ability don't take damage from Blast, Magic Reflect, Thorns, or Return Fire. This can be of great help to the team in battles. If there is an Explosive Weaponry rule in the battle rule or if I predict that the opposing team will have Blast Ability Monsters, I usually add VENATOR KINJO to the team and thanks to him, my team takes less damage. Venator Kinjo is one of the monsters that can be very useful to the team that every team needs.


    Few have heard about the secret mission of the pious order, The Bloody Envoy. These devout monks spend their young lives living within the Hidden Cloister, a monastery that is said to be somewhere within Abbots Marsh on Praetoria, and beholden to no other. Taken at an early age, these children are the unfortunate offspring of women that have been used for entertainment by vampires at their lavish parties. After being brought into their new family, the children spend their time studying and praying, learning to live with the dhampir affliction that has taken their bodies. They are taught that to drink the blood of a human is the ultimate sin, and they sustain themselves upon the livestock they keep.

    They are drilled daily in the art of unarmed combat, though violence is always a last resort. Instead, they are taught many different skills in ways to hide from or avoid attack, often using these skills to augment those around them who will do the damage in their stead. When they come of age, they will often stalk vampires and follow them to their homes, where the Bloody Envoy will then organize the foul creature’s demise.

    The plain and simple robes of these monks are regularly seen upon the road, and people will greet them with open arms, knowing them to be fair and considerate. The monks will often help local communities in their hour of need, whether that be with healing, coin, protection, or holy blessings. But all the time they are vigilant to the foul taint of vampires. Their single, most important mission and the highest order of their vows: to rid the world of this vile disease.


    VENATOR KINJO has the Reflection Shield Ability and the Camouflage Ability at level 1, has the Immunity Ability at level 2, has the Slow Ability at level 3 and has the Amplify Ability at level 4. Venator Kinjo is indeed an perfect Monster with excellent abilities that can be very effective in battles and very useful for the team. A Legendary card, the VENATOR KINJO NFT Card is currently on the market starting at $2.81. Also, Venator Kinjo is a Monster in the Neutral Unit. Being in the Neutral Unit is a real advantage for the teams.

    Battle Link

    The last Brawl was really incredibly difficult and it was the worst Brawl for me. The opposing players were very strong and I performed very poorly. I won 4 battles and lost 4 battles. I will do my best to perform much better in the next Brawl. I faced Quora Towershead a lot in the last Brawl and it's really hard to beat her. I can say that I managed to win one of these battles thanks to Venator Kinjo. If Venator Kinjo wasn't on my team, my odds of winning this battle would have been pretty low. I recommend watching the video.



    Gladius Case Pack


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    Battle Link

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