Me confieso un apasionado de la música, en general, puedo decir que me gustan casi todos los estilos o géneros musicales, pero, como la música llanera de mi hermosa Venezuela, no hay! nada mas hermoso que una melodía al son del arpa cuatro y maracas, que, junto a las riquezas naturales con que nuestro creador nos bendijo, adornan esta maravillosa tierra de hombres y mujeres luchadores, que a pesar de las circunstancias adversas se mantienen en pie! Dios bendiga a Venezuela!
Son muchos los artistas que han puesto en alto el nombre de Venezuela en lo que a musica se refiere, por mencionar algunos: Simon Diaz, Reynaldo Armas, Jorge Guerrero, Francisco Montoya, El Carrao de Palmarito, Jesus Moreno, Armando Martinez; entre otros, que han llevado nuestra música a nivel mundial; debo mencionar tambien al cantautor Ali Cabello, quien ha logrado grandes éxitos en su carrera musical, entre los cuales esta: "Doctora Corazón" perteneciente al album titulado: sin fronteras, lanzado en el año 2018, y, que rápidamente se convirtió en uno de los preferidos del publico.
En su letra el autor relata, su visita a una doctora, buscando la cura para una pena de amor, que dejo su corazón herido , y, le pide por favor que le de la medicina para curarse, pero, al final la cura es el amor de la doctora! jajaj, como dice el viejo refrán: "un clavo, saca otro clavo" jejeje, sera verdad?? que opinan?
En el festival ya llegamos a la semana 42, en su tercera ronda, lo, cual significa que, se cierra un ciclo y tendremos ganadores; hemos visto grandes artistas desfilar por sus pasarelas; en lo personal, lamento no haber podido participar en las 2 rondas anteriores, debido a compromisos personales, pero gracias a Dios pude sacar un tiempo para esta semana, y aca esta mi entrada!
Hare un cover en el cuatro y cantare la cancion: "Doctora corazón!
Espero sea de su agrado!
Dios les bendiga!
I confess I am passionate about music, in general, I can say that I like almost all styles or musical genres, but, like the llanera music of my beautiful Venezuela, there is none! nothing more beautiful than a melody to the sound of the harp four and maracas, which, together with the natural riches with which our creator blessed us, adorn this wonderful land of fighting men and women, who remain standing despite adverse circumstances! God bless Venezuela!
There are many artists who have raised the name of Venezuela in terms of music, to mention a few: Simon Diaz, Reynaldo Armas, Jorge Guerrero, Francisco Montoya, El Carrao de Palmarito, Jesus Moreno, Armando Martinez; among others, who have taken our music worldwide; I must also mention the singer-songwriter Ali Cabello, who has achieved great successes in his musical career, among which is: "Doctora Corazón" belonging to the album titled: without borders, released in 2018, and, which quickly became one of the favorites of the public.
In his lyrics, the author recounts his visit to a doctor, looking for a cure for a love affair, which left his heart wounded, and he asks her to please give him medicine to heal, but, in the end, the cure is the doctor's love! hahaha, as the old saying goes: "one nail, take out another nail" hehehe, is it true? what do you think?
In the festival we already reached week 42, in its third round, which means that a cycle is closed and we will have winners; we have seen great artists parade through their catwalks; Personally, I regret not having been able to participate in the 2 previous rounds, due to personal commitments, but thank God I was able to take some time for this week, and here is my entry!
I'll do a cover on the cuatro and I'll sing the song: "Doctor heart!
I hope you like it!
God bless you!
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