Classic video I watched years ago and never really forgot about. It covers the basics in terms of central bank corruption in Canada.
Soft of stuff everyone should be aware of. Sort of information You Tube will likely remove one day. So I figured
I better get this video to a safe platform. You can also find this one on You Tube Channel (MrSteeper33).
Buddy did a really good job making this one. He interviewed allot of the major Canadian politicians at the time;
posed them with some pretty hard questions. He interviewed many random people and asked them some really
eye opening kind of questions.
I think this one was put together even before the advent of Bitcoin. Kind of a recap on the problem(s) that were
the mother of Bitcoin.
If you're a newb to the world of monetary systems, you'll get allot out of this video. And if you're a savy expert you
might just enjoy a little review. If you're not from Canada, you might enjoy a foreign country prospective regarding
central banking.
To be exact, this was produced in 2009 according to You Tube and according to Wikipedia Bitcoin was born 9-Jan,2009.
--> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bitcoin
Here is a supplementary You Tube video from modern times refering to the Bank of Canada that fits with this
retro piece quite well. Provided by You Tube Channel (Pierre Poilievre) -->
Interesting enough, I have recently encounter information that suggest that Freeland lady Pierre is questioning
has some strong ties to George Soros and the Ukraine. I'm told George Soros funded her mothers legal reform
of the Ukraine. All very pertinent to recent times and worth of attention.
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