This is another great video put out by You Tube Channel (doctordude)
I figured I better get this one to a safe platform. Excellent animated piece.
Has a pretty strong focus on the American monetary system. Covers allot of really interesting history.
It does a really good job exposing how monetary system are used to control people. According to You Tube this
one was posted 11-Jan,2011, so a year or two after the advent of Bitcoin. According to the search Bitcoin first become
active 9-Jan,2009, so this came out almost exactly two year later, or at least it was posted by that particular You Tube
Channel on that date.
It's quite relevant to modern times. Inflation is a very hot topic I hear all over the news and in social cycles.
I have been told that many Nations that seem to be targets these days are targets because of their lack of membership
to the central banking cartel aka Rothchild banking cartel. I do believe one of these countries that is outside the
banking cartel membership ring is Russia. Rather ironic, because the story as I was told it was that Rothchild at
a point in history actually wanted the Tsar to play ball with his banking system, but he refused. And so some time
later Russia got infiltrated by Bolshevics that were allegedly trained in New York in the arts of social sabotage as well
as afew other things. I'm not sure how Russia would have later on escaped the banking cartel.
Other countries alleged to not be a member of the banking cartel are: Syria, the former Iraq, Iran, North Korea.
Enough to make a person wonder.
Now all the talk is about digital ID,centralized digial currency and a social credit systems. We think they control
us well now? If that shit gets passed this measure of control will expand to absurd new levels.
This is an epic supplementary video by Dave Ramsey. His matterial is more main stream. He shows people how to do the best they can within the confines of the system on a personal level. He tells people certain traps to stay clear of.
Provided by You Tube Channel (The Ramsey Show - Highlights) -->
This is another epic video put out by Canadian MP, possibly the next Prime Minister of Canada, the
video is embedded into Facebook so there is no You Tube Channel reference . He reveals allot of interesting economic insights. If you're not from Canada I'm sure you will still be able to see many parallels in the tools of economic destruction they like to use --> https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1013175075885207
Thanks for checking these out
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