We sometimes think that certain things are happening to others... Those people with financial and existential problems live somewhere far far away from us... those bad things happen only to someone else... That "something bad" can't happen exactly to us...
I'm first who thinks like that... I was thinking like that in my past, I'm thinking like that today... Maybe, a bit more believing that it CAN happen to me, but, with a high percentage of thoughts that it will "hit" someone else...
The problem is that in the 21st century, all the planet is connected... all countries are connected with each other... The last economic crisis showed that very clearly... Everything started from a central banking system and spread over the whole world...
Today, it is the same thing with the virus... It started in China (or not) and spread all over the world... Tomorrow, it will be the economy and the financial system... Isolation from the world isn't a solution, but DIFFERENT thinking IS...
I have shared with you guys my personal experience from my past about some "impossible things to happen", just a reminder that we have to learn from the past, ACT in a present for securing a BETTER future...
I have mentioned in the video the webinar with @jongolson and @blainjones, so, if you want to check it out, you can do it right here https://peakd.com/hive-100421/@jongolson/dqavjsoy
PS. The weather is awful for the past 2 weeks... And the wind was crazy today... And sorry about it... again... :(
Take care, ~ph~
Music in video:
Growing Up by Scott Buckley https://soundcloud.com/scottbuckley
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
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