Walking through Funchal’s flower festival


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    Published on May 11, 2023
    About :

    I’ve got a lot of videos to share, most of them are just walkthroughs, no fancy piece to camera or anything like that. I don’t cope with heat that well, I can walk for miles and feel totally fine but I look like a sweaty bloke basically. So whilst using the Insta360 for recording, I ensure that the edit is pointing in the direction that I am walking!

    Tina, my wife, she has no trouble with the sun at all and so she gets to appear in the videos more than me, haha!

    There are some wonderful pieces of art around town and lots of lovely hanging baskets, made up of Gerbera flowers. Had we come earlier we would have witnessed the Madeiranese people dressed in colourful costumes, there are some girls in beautiful dresses walking around chatting to people about the festival. Madeira is known as the “Flower Island” for good reason, the colours here are rich and vibrant. Witness the lot through polarised glassed and the hues and vibrant, punchy as a glass of Poncha (the local rum).

    There are a number of concerts taking place and there are plenty of displays scattered around the city and further afield across Madeira.

    Weather is gorgeous.

    Wish you were here (as they say)!

    Tags :

    madeira funchal vyb pob

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