Another poem that I put over sound effects, and my first test of Dtube. @Dtube sucks. It failed the test. Soooo here it is manually posted where Dtube should have posted it if Dtube would allow me to add a thumbnail.
Here are the words to the poem:
Sometimes I wonder if this really is my favorite time of year.
Secretly I love the cold and the rain
It makes for perfect melancholy.
But it reminds me of earlier days
When all my memories were made
In cold days and rainy nights
but that life is no longer mine.
So I resist and complain
The cold and rain
And gripe about how it makes my muscles ache
And my joints stiff and my mind depressed with its darkness.
I curse the winter for what it no longer gives me
And try to be sweet when all I feel is the bitter of its winds
Blowing straight through my facade.
I love it for what it was.
And hate it for who it became.
Memories are useless
When they enflame
Agony sharper than my frostbitten fingers.
So I stood in the rain
And took it like a man
All the vitriol
And the slander
All the betrayal
And the lies
I stood in the rain
And I forgave
Like God forgave
But forgiveness was not returned
And now I fight the bitterness
And the false beliefs of others
Informed by a liar
Who left me in the rain
With nothing but damp feet
A cold heart
And no friends.
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