Great! This is a good question. You start by joining our Telegram group get to know people a lot of our members are from other ecosystems you know we are creating one ourselves you know at KOY Network but a lot of our members come from across the antelope ecosystem and for those who don't know Antelope is a protocol that KOY Network is deploying and Antelope is a protocol that is used by a number of other blockchains and that includes Telos Blockchain it also includes Wax, UX and EOS these are huge communities out there that also share that protocol with us and in the few months that are coming we do intend to join the Antelope Alliance but in the meantime if you want to get involved please join our Telegram group get with the vibe inside there ask your questions you will have direct access to team members from the KOY Network corporate and also members of the KOY Jumuiya DAO the other thing that I wanted to mention is that we do have a process right now where we are looking for people who are willing to you know donate their time and be a part of the DAO journey and so we are looking for people who are willing to join us and be part of our start up committee at the KOY Jumuiya DAO, as an advisor as a committee member it doesn't matter whatever your interest speaks if you want to be part of this journey please shoot us an email koyjumuiya@gmail.com
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