Vibes web 3 Music competition week #2: Conflictuado /Conflicted - Original song [ENG/ESP]


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    Published on Feb 27, 2024
    About :

    ¿Que tal? Espero que he encuentres bastante bien! Empezamos la semana con esta segunda ronda semanal del concurso de vibes, y que increíble es poder ver tantas personas que se han ido uniendo a esta comunidad y a este concurso, son muchos artistas de verdad.

    Para esta oportunidad traigo una canción original, la escribí hace unos días de forma bastante espontánea para el concurso. Casi todas mis canciones surgen de una fusión de espontaneidad y trabajo consciente, salen de la nada pero tampoco las estructuro en mi mente a medida que van saliendo. Realmente soy cantautor más que intérprete, aunque aquí en hive me ha tocado llevar a cabo el rol de cantante de covers. Tengo muchas canciones escritas, considero que muchas son mejores que esta, pero bueno, igual espero que la disfrutes.

    La canción habla sobre una época de mi vida en la cual tenía muchos problemas con mi familia, no me gusta hablar mucho del tema, por eso nunca había escrito una canción con esa temática. Realmente tengo una familia un poco complicada, los amo y siempre estoy para ellos a pesar de los problemas, aún así, debo
    admitir que tienen un ambiente un poco tóxico. Cuando vivía con ellos no era muy feliz, no me gustaba estar mucho en casa, y cuando estaba, me la pasaba drogado para poder pasarla bien y no preocuparme por la angustia, y cuando no tenía para fumar hierba, salía a caminar, caminaba lo mas lejos que podía, pensaba y drenaba mi energía en el camino. La canción habla básicamente de eso, de mis caminatas y lo lejano que me volví con ellos en aquel entonces, no me mal interpretes, ya no peleo con ellos, cada quien está en su espacio pero sigo visitando a mi madre y a mis hermanos y comparto buenos momentos con ellos, pero en ese entonces era una tortura tener que depender de ellos.

    Siempre fui una persona que vivía en su mundo aislado de los demás, siempre cantando y con mi guitarra, ahora que lo recuerdo, no tenía problemas precisamente en mi casa, si no que mi madre y mis hermanos eran muy histéricos y peleaban mucho entre ellos, y eso me perturbaba mucho, y mi padrastro, bueno, era un imbécil xD. Se que tal vez mi historia te ofenda, porque tú tuviste una buena familia con una buena relación, pero cada historia es diferente y cada ser se desarrolla distinto. Como dije, actualmente yo no tengo problemas con mi familia, esto es solo recordando una época. En fin, espero que disfrutes de la canción.


    How are you doing? I hope you are feeling well! We start the week with this second weekly round of the vibes contest, and how incredible it is to see so many people that have been joining this community and this contest, they are really many artists.

    For this opportunity I bring an original song, I wrote it a few days ago quite spontaneously for the contest. Almost all my songs come from a fusion of spontaneity and conscious work, they come out of nowhere but I don't structure them in my mind as they come out. I'm really a singer-songwriter more than a performer, although here at hive I've played the role of a cover singer. I have many songs written, I consider that many of them are better than this one, but I hope you enjoy it.

    The song talks about a time in my life when I had a lot of problems with my family, I don't like to talk much about it, that's why I had never written a song with that theme. I really have a family that is a bit complicated, I love them and I am always there for them in spite of the problems, even so, I must admit that they have a bit of a toxic environment.
    I must admit that they have a bit of a toxic environment. When I lived with them I wasn't very happy, I didn't like to be at home much, and when I was, I would get stoned so I could have a good time and not worry about the anguish, and when I didn't have enough to smoke weed, I would go for a walk, walk as far as I could, think and drain my energy on the way. The song basically talks about that, about my walks and how distant I became with them back then, don't get me wrong, I don't fight with them anymore, everyone is in their own space but I still visit my mother and my siblings and share good times with them, but back then it was torture to have to depend on them.

    I was always a person who lived in his world isolated from others, always singing and with my guitar, now that I remember, I didn't have problems precisely in my house, but my mother and my brothers were very hysterical and fought a lot between them, and that disturbed me a lot, and my stepfather, well, he was a jerk xD. I know maybe my story offends you, because you had a good family with a good relationship, but every story is different and every being develops differently. Like I said, currently I don't have problems with my family, this is just remembering a time. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the song.


    Steps between thoughts
    Only the intention is missing
    Deserting this atmosphere
    It's the joy of just walking
    Forgive me I'm leaving here
    Conflicted is the sound at home
    I know this is too much for you and for everyone
    The leaves descend at your will
    Not a petal grows without your will
    That's my only peace of mind
    Sure I'll be back and it will be
    Living confronted, defeated
    Demanding all the time what we don't give hat we don't give


    Pasos entre pensamientos
    Solo falta la intención
    Desertando de esta atmósfera
    Es la dicha de tan solo caminar
    Perdóname yo me voy de aquí
    Conflictuado esta el sonido en casa
    Yo sé que esto es demasiado para ti y para todos
    Las hojas descienden a tu voluntad
    Ni un pétalo crece sin que tú quieras
    Esa es mi única tranquilidad
    Seguro volveré y será
    Viviendo confrontados, derrotados
    Exigiendo todo el tiempo lo que no damos

    Tags :

    vibes web3 music livemusic neoxian art spanish palnet waiv pob original

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