My Freedom Doesn't End Where Your Fear Begins


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    Published on Feb 16, 2021
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    This is the PUNK version of 'The Line' which I am tempted to simply call 'Stand'.

    Excuse my poor humour mid video regarding 'fundamentalism'... maybe I meant 'radicalisation' and not 'fundamentalism' or even 'extremism' either either -- 'conspiracy theorist' and 'far-right' are the most pungent insults the media comes up with these days - honestly - I wish they'd use some fucking imagination...
    Something more fun or creative. In place of Conspiracy Theorist: Venus Alien Sextuple Nano-Transmission Specialists - or in place of far-right radical: Hitler's Long Lost Cousin's Cousin's Cousin's Son's Son. The lack of imagination in the people is reflective of the lack of imagination in the media. In other words, turn off your TV and/or 'approved social media' to increase your imagination.

    Ever heard of the 100 monkey experiment? Yeah, well, I know - it's been debunked. Just like everything else has that doesn't agree with the narrative (ya da ya da) - but the principle that it illustrates stands true to human behaviour - information when repeated enough times in the human sphere of influence creates a resonance - this resonance has a strength depending on the amount of repetitions. Information is not static in the human mind - we share fields of information like a transmitter and receiver style arrangement. No scientist has found where information is stored in the human brain EVER! lol - One theory that comes close to putting a hammer on the nail is Morphic Resonance theory by Rupert Sheldrake

    It also brings us back to the 7 Hermetic Principles -

    Vibration: Nothing is static. Everything is moving at all times because everything is frequency; we should be careful on how we treat and talk to people, it is not the words we say that matters so much as to the energy behind them.

    It's sales technique time!

    The Power of Repetition and Consistency:

    Repetition is the mother of all learning.
    This phrase is so old, it’s actually a Latin proverb: Repetitio est mater studiorum.
    And it’s stuck around for good reason. Consistent presentation of a brand can increase revenue by an average of 23 percent.
    Aside from the revenue implications, repetition and consistency can help challenger brands compete in a busy market. Consider this: audiences need to see a message seven times before it sinks in. If your marketing frequency is too low, your brand message will simply blend in to the crowd.


    To be effective, your brand message must be both aligned and integrated across all departments – leadership, sales, marketing, PR, HR, and everything in between.

    Take these same principles and apply them to propaganda via the mainstream media. Now consider why certain terms and things are repeated almost word for word the entire world over.

    It's a fucking sales campaign.

    They're selling you 'The Great Reset'.

    Here's some more from the same article:

    Create a brand guideline that maps out the narrative, the research and the talking points so that when new employees or partners arrive, they’re immediately on the same page.

    What is another brand being sold with its own mapped out narrative?

    Why, Covid-19 of course!

    Despite information that comes to the surface from reputable sources that directly contradicts the fear campaign pushed by the media - the information that is repeated prevails - because it is a brand that has been sold to the people.

    For challenger pharma and medical device brands, message repetition and brand consistency aren’t just a path to higher revenue, they’re the cornerstones of any “break through the noise” strategy.

    It's why entire intelligence branches of armies around the world are dedicated to the propagation of the 'right information'. It's about aligning the brand narrative in a consistent way in order to have the most effect on the people.

    77 Brigade: Is British Military Waging an Information War on Its Own Population?

    They not only ‘counter’ disinformation, but also watch social media, analysing how disinformation, including their own, spreads; mapping the internet and the networks of people sharing content between each other.
    And for that, they have thousands deployed, and tens of thousands in reserve, not only in 77th Brigade directly, but right across government and the third sector.

    Certainly this is the type of thing a 'conspiracy theorist' might have been talking about 10 years ago but it's all real and verifiable now (ha, using the word 'real' like this makes me laugh). News flash for normies (derogatory term for normal people) - once a 'conspiracy theory' is proven to be true - it is no longer a conspiracy theory - it becomes a fact.

    Also, just because something is repeated many times does not make it an objective fact. But it does take advantage of your psychology to coerce you into an agenda.

    The debate of free speech is not just about censorship - it's also about known methods of coercion which limit valid concerns and perspectives of the people in order to 'sell' a particular brand/narrative/idea.

    The act of 'selling' is complete when the person that has the potential to buy agrees with the 'seller's' perspective. It is not conditional of the sale itself - it is conditional on the agreement of value. In this case, the value of information.

    This information now 'sold' to the people becomes 'self-evident'. The price that the 'sales-people' have named is the rights and freedoms of the people. The product Covid-19 can be rebranded for all intensive purposes as one thing - Safety. Safety from fear in exchange for rights and freedoms.

    Snake oil sales people have come a long way and have entered government. The level of fraud perpetrated here is unprecedented - on a global scale.

    Use your brains people, strive to be outside the box - culture an awareness that is 'the outsider'. Allow yourself to see what's going on as if you are not involved. See the emotional heart strings that connect you to certain informations and how this connects you with other people.

    Well gees, that was a pretty good rant... maybe I'll post this in the Rant, Complain, Talk community...

    Here are all the other more serrrious versions of this song:
    Eastern style:

    I will be posting a poll via after making a few more versions and asking people to vote which is their favourite! Then I will make a semi-professional multi-track recording of that version... It's a musical adventure!

    Cheers to the White Rose for the initial graphic -

    Tags :

    rights freedom punk originalmusic comedy

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