⚡#FreeEnergy Part 1: Introduction to Suppressed Technology & Science


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    Published on Feb 16, 2021
    About :

    In #FreeEnergy Part 1 I introduce my newest video research series which I hope to uncover suppressed Free Energy technology in hopes of deriving the mathematics behind it and eventually create my own device, all made publicly availability for everyone to replicate it! This video series stems from my ongoing #911Truth video series (https://mes.fm/911truth-playlist) which explores the brilliant work of Dr. Judy Wood and her book “Where Did the Towers Go?” (Buy it here! https://mes.fm/judywoodbook). The most important aspect of 9/11 was “who” was behind it but rather “what” actually happened, which was the towers turned to dust in mid-air using advanced hidden directed free energy technology! This is a fact, and this very fact is the motivation and driving force behind my #FreeEnergy video series in unlocking the technology and science hidden from us!

    In Part 1, I go over an overview of the mainstream view on suppressed technology and science to illustrate how anything and everything against conventional science is swift to the side and discredited. From the work of Roger Anderton that contends that science was “steered” in the wrong direction through errors in Albert Einstein’s work to Rupert Sheldrake and Graham Hancock being censored for giving TED talks questioning dogmatic belief-based assertions by mainstream science such as Fundamental Constants actually being constant or that Consciousness needs to be scientifically explored. If these scientific dogmas such as the speed of light being constant was not actually constant, then this would mean we need to re-investigate Quantum Mechanics and Special Relativity, and may need to start anew in the time of Roger Boscovich whom may have already been on his way to deriving the “Unifying Theory of Everything”. For the hardline skeptics, keep in mind that even famous π is actually “wrong” and should have been replaced with τ = 2π a long time ago. In fact I may start using τ because I am starting to realize that this confusion may actually have been by design...

    I also go over the mainstream Wikipedia view on #FreeEnergy only to see the typical underreporting, complete censorship of Dr. Judy Wood, and the usual discrediting of unconventional science researchers as “conspiracy theorists”. What’s most interesting is the work of Stanley Pons and Martin Fleischmann in 1989 which claimed to have created “Cold Fusion” or nuclear reactions at room temperature, just by a simple table-top experiment! Now instead of the United States allocating funding to them, all funding was removed, and an active smear and discredit campaign was launched to shut down Pons and Fleischmann’s work. Other researchers such as Eugene Mallove and Stanley Meyer were VERY suspiciously killed while in the midst of proving Free Energy or Water-based Fuel was possible…

    These are very interesting cases that I will be looking at in more detail and will try to replicate their work. But it is clear that we are up against some very powerful forces, and possibly even an advanced Artificial Intelligence (AI) system that may have already taken over the world, i.e. AI-NWO, and which I lay out a great idea for a Sci-Fi novel. Feel free to steal my idea but make sure to give me credit! :)

    And lastly please help fund my ongoing research by donating at https://mes.fm/donate as I hope to work on this full time as well as hire a team of full time researchers to speed up the process of uncovering the science and technology hidden from us!

    Stay Tuned for #FreeEnergy Part 2…

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    Full #FreeEnergy video series: https://mes.fm/freeenergy-playlist

    #911Truth: https://peakd.com/truth/@mes/911
    #MESScience: https://mes.fm/science-playlist
    #AntiGravity: https://peakd.com/antigravity/@mes/series .

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    freeenergy messcience mesconspiracy mes911truth infowars

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