In this video I go over the very interesting topic, and that is dive into the topic of “conspiracy theories” and “conspiracy theorists” by taking a look at the CIA’s infamous 1967 declassified memo during the John F. Kennedy (JFK) Assassination Warren Commission investigation. The memo, which was first declassified through a 1976 Freedom of Information Access (FOIA) by the New York Times, reveals that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) underwent a secret psychological operation (PsyOp) through a coordinated propaganda campaign to discredit and ridicule critics of the Warren Commission report with hopes of quelling rising distrust of the government by the public. In my opinion this is very contradictory, which if the public knew of these secret PsyOp programs to spread deliberate propaganda and attack criticism of the government, then the public would be in an up-roar, as they should be!
The CIA 1967 memo information and links to view it are shown below:
Title: Countering Criticism of the Warren Report
Document Number: 1035-960
Classification: PSYCH for Psychological Operation and CS for Clandestine Services
Special Note: “Destroy When No Longer Needed”
Document: http://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=53510
Document (PDF): http://tinyurl.com/cia1967memo
Also interesting to note, while recording my initial attempt at this video yesterday, I fell victim to the dreaded #MandelaEffect!! This is because many websites, books, and videos mistakenly use the title “Concerning Criticism of the Warren Report” or even “Countering Criticism of the Warren Commission Report”, which are both wrong! I’m not sure if this as just an accidental mistake (and discovery by me) or could be just another part of CIA’s disinformation propaganda campaign haha 😉
Also in this video I go over the ramifications of the CIA 1967 memo, and show concrete evidence through Google’s “Ngram” viewer that suggest the CIA’s propaganda campaign to discredit conspiracy theories in regards to the JFK assassination, as well as conspiracy theorists in general, was in full effect in the 1960s. This fact has been brushed aside and covered up by many in the mainstream media, including even Wikipedia and the CIA itself. The document explains specific instructions to quell criticisms of government “official” narrative and institutions through using “friendly” elite politicians and people embedded in major news outlets by attacking the conspiracy theorists themselves, as opposed to their actual claims. Such instructions included suggesting that conspiracy theories are the result of “Communist Propagandists” and that “large scale conspiracies” are impossible. Both of these methods are still widely used today, although now those pesky “Russians” are to blame. I also go on a long rant about the “large scale conspiracies” argument because I was #Triggered!
This is a very long, but extremely detailed look at the elaborate propaganda and disinformation strategy that the CIA, the mainstream media, and political elites uses on an almost daily basis still to this day, so make sure to watch this entire video!
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